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"Soooo...where we goin'?" You asked, fiddling with your fingers. Joel just grumbled, you had a feeling he wasn't in the talking mood.

"Attention. Harboring or aiding wanted criminals is punishable by death. Do not place yourself at risk. Report any suspicious activity immediately."

The group of you headed down a flight of stairs, you sighed out as Joel motioned towards another flight of stairs, leading you and Ellie down it.

"Cmon' keep up." Joel muttered, looking back at the two teenagers. This made Ellie roll her eyes, "We are."

"Attention. Harboring or aiding wanted criminals is punishable by death. Do not place yourself at risk. Report any suspicious activity immediately."

"Why does that loud alarm keep playing? Is it really that bad to get caught outside right now?" You asked Joel, the older man sighed out, "Yes, just like the alarm said, this kinda stuff is punishable by death, so let's keep moving."

"Where-- exactly are we going?" Ellie asked,  as the trio of you walked into an open space, fences guarding all around you.

"Up there. That'll get us to the north tunnel." Joel pointed upwards, the stairs were basically unaccessible, "How in the hell are we supposed to get up there?" You asked, Ellie silently nodding in agreement.

Joel sighed, "Just-- just gimme a minute."

You spotted Joel coming out of the garage he had left in, pushing a very heavy, but seemingly lightweight dumpster over towards your destination.

With one good push, he smacked it straight against the poles, grunting out as he hopped up and ascended the stairs.

You rolled your eyes, putting  a hand over your mouth and towards your sister's ear, "He couldn't even help us, huh?"

This made Ellie chuckle, "Definitely not, but  hey, we have eachother, do we not?"

You hoisted Ellie up first, just as she went up and over the ramp, she reached a hand out helping you the rest of the way.

"This tunnel, you use it to smuggle things?" Ellie questioned, "Yep." Joel replied.

"Like illegal things?" Ellie prodded some more, "Sometimes." Joel said.

"You ever smuggle a pair of kids before?" You blatantly asked, making Joel sigh, "No. That's a first. So what's the deal with the two of you and Marlene, anyways?"

You shrugged, leaving Ellie to reply, "I don't know, she's out friend. I guess."

Joel laughed sarcastically, "Your friend, huh? You two are friends with the leader of the fireflies. What're you two, like twelve?"

You rolled your eyes, yet again, "Marlene knew our mom, and she's been looking after us. And the two of us are fourteen, jackass."

"Woahh- cool your jets there, sunshine and rainbows." Joel deadpanned, "So where are your parents?"

"Where are anyone's parents? They've been gone a long- long time." Ellie sighed.

"Hm. So instead of just staying in school, you two just decided to run off and join the fireflies, is that it?" Joel assumed, "Look-- were not supposed to tell you why your smuggling us. If that's what your getting at" Ellie fired back.

"You wanna know the best thing about my job? I do gotta know why. Be honest with you, I could give two shits about what you're up to."

"Well great!" You and Ellie deadpanned in unison, "Good." Joel deadpanned.

Finally after all the childish bickering, you reached your destination.

Joel opened up a room, you scanned it for anything fun to do. Though you couldn't see much, which made you sigh out in frustration. You could see Ellie had the same dilemma as well, no entertainment.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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