Random Incorrect quotes #2

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*Moonlight thoughts on stabbing*

Ara : would never stab anyone
Lia : yells "I won't hesitate b*itch" first
Zoe : would stab without warning
Kelly : would stab as a warning


Kelly : you deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Dk : you are my reward
Jun : you deserve a reward for putting up with me
Lia : true, you can be really difficult at times


Ara : you're a lying piece of shit !
Zoe : oh yeah ? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD !!
Ara : I'm leaving and taking both kids with me !
Lia, gathering the cards : Aaaand that's enough monopoly for today.


Lia : I want to kiss you
Jun, not paying attention : what ?
Lia : I said if you die I won't miss you


*Zoe drunkenly wanders around the house and Ara is drunkenly giggling*
Lia, completely sober : *sighs* well, looks like it's just me and you against the world kelly.
Kelly, going to her room : nope, just you *shuts the door*


Zoe : I'm so happy two of my fav people are getting along now
Ara : um Lia and Kelly aren't getting along
Zoe : well they aren't trying to kill each other
Ara : you may have a point


Mingyu : time for plan G.
The8 : you mean plan B ?
Mingyu : no we tried it a long time ago. I had to skip to C due to technical issues
Jun : what about plan D ?
Dk : it was done half an hour ago
Lia : and plan E ?
Mingyu : I'm hoping not to use that.
Wonwoo : why ?
Mingyu : kelly dies in plan E
Kelly : I like plan E !
Hoshi : shutup
Zoe : how about plan F ?
Mingyu : we all die in it
Woozi : that's even better


Hoshi : how do you fall in love with a fictional character ?
Jun : what ?
Wonwoo : what ?
Woozi : what ?
Lia : *pulls out a 500 slide presentation* I'm glad you asked


Jeonghan : I'm in love with you
Lia : we called off the prank war last night, drok.
Jeonghan : I know
Lia : Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Yeah. Great. Very cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-


Jun : Lia I can't do this stupid math !
Lia : what's the math problem ?
Jun : well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes then divide the legs and hope we don't multiply.
Joshua, covering Kelly's ears while Lia smacks Jun on the back of his head : not gonna lie that was hella smooth


Kelly : what the fck do you say after you kiss someone ?
Dk : don't forget to like
Lia : share
Hoshi : and subscribe


Zoe : what do you call disobeying the law ?
Lia and seventeen's 96'line : A hobby.
Zoe : *crosses her arms*
Lia and 96'line : that we do not engage in.


You think you're pretty ? BRO! Goddess Lia still exists!!!

You think you're pretty ? BRO! Goddess Lia still exists!!!

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Joshua : Get yourself a man who calls you at 4 in the morning just to hear your voice.


Lia : well, remember when Jun made a romantic dinner for me ?
Kelly : Lia, he microwaved you a pizza.


Lia : *sees someone doing something stupid*
Lia : what an idiot
Lia : *looks closely and realizes it's Jun*
Lia : wait, that's MY idiot


Lia : I am a responsible adult !
Ara : *raises one eyebrow*
Lia : I am an adult


Zoe, holding an antique bottle : is this whiskey or perfume ?
Lia : *grabs and chugs down the entire bottle*
Zoe : .........
Lia : it's perfume


Teacher : your child got into a fight
Lia : oh god, that's terrible
Jeonghan : did he win ?


Lia : what goes up but never comes down ?
Ara : the amount of stress you bring to this family.

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