Random Incorrect quotes #3

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Lia : Bye Jun! Bye Hoshi! Bye woozi! Bye Wonwoo! Bye Jun!
Kelly : you said 'bye Jun' twice
Lia : I like Jun.


Zoe : Good morning
Kelly: is it ? Is it really good ?


Zoe : I know you love her
Joshua : I'm not in love with Kelly
Zoe, staring at Joshua : I never said who...
Joshua : *realizes*
Joshua : Shit. Well, anyways-


Zoe : i keep our group photo with me all the time, whenever I face difficulties I take it out and stare at it.
Members : Awwww-
Zoe : and tell myself "if I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything".
Members : Oh.


Zoe : why do you let me win when we race up the stairs ?
Mingyu : Erm.... it's nice to see you smile when you win !
Zoe : he's probably just staring at my ass isn't he.
Kelly : yeah probably.


*Lia after drinking 12 cups of coffee*
Lia : strawberry milk doesn't taste like strawberry or milk.
Kelly : look I beg you it's fcking 3am please go to sleep.


Zoe : yesterday I found out that Lia sleep talks.
Kelly : oh really.
Zoe : 'mitochondria is the power house of a cell' right in my ear at 2am.


Zoe : I wish I could help you, but I shouldn't.
Kelly : unnie pls
Zoe : which part of shouldn't you don't understand ?


Zoe : Is something burning ?
Ara, leaning seductively on the counter : just my desire for you.
Zoe : fck, the toaster is literally on fire.


Lia : I'm putting down 'AT'.
Ara : I will add to make it 'RAT'
Zoe : I will add to make it 'BIOSTRATAGRAPHIC'
Kelly : .........
Kelly : *flips the board*

Lia : if i punch myself and it hurts, am i weak or strong ?
Ara : strong
Kelly : weak
Zoe : an idiot


Lia : I don't need to go to school ! I'm smart enough.
Zoe : okay what's the spelling of orange ?
Lia : the fruit or the colour ?


The staff really meant it when they said Zoe has a different aura on-stage than off-stage.

The staff really meant it when they said Zoe has a different aura on-stage than off-stage

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Kelly : it was me.
Zoe : .....is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance.
Lia : that's not what she would have said if it was me.


Lia : I fell down the stairs today.....
Zoe : I hope you are okay
Ara : stop falling down the stairs
Kelly : how'd the ground taste ?


Zoe : there's nothing to do.....
Ara : you can do the dishes you promised to do about a week ago.
Zoe : *pulls out her phone* hello, yeah I'm on my way.


Kelly : who the fck added me to a group chat ?
Ara : language miss
Jeonghan : no cursing in here kiddos
Lia : yeah watch your fcking language
Scoups : okay now who taught Lia the fck word ?
Hoshi : 'the fck word'
Zoe : are you stupid ? You guys use the f word all the time
Joshua : oh my god she censored it.
Woozi : say fck Zoe
Lia : yeah do it, Zoe. Say fck


Jeonghan : listen here you all pieces of shits
Jeonghan : not you Dino and Lia you both are angels.


Zoe : I wasn't that drunk
Kelly : you literally grabbed Mickey (lia's dog) and threw him across the room shouting "pickachu I choose you"


Mingyu : zoe gave me this rock as a gift. She is too cute.
Zoe : I literally threw it towards you.

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