Random Incorrect quotes #5

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The8, Kelly, Lia, Hoshi at a restaurant

The8 : i'mma park the car
Kelly : okay till that Hoshi and Lia go get us a table I'll wait for hao.

Few moments later

*Hoshi and Lia running out of the restaurant with a table and people chasing behind them*

Hoshi : Minghao! Kelly! start the car quickly
Lia : we got the table!!


Zoe : how long are we going to let her do that?
Kelly : few minutes more.
Lia : *pulling on a door which says push*


*Kelly teaching DK English*

Kelly : where are you from?
Dk : Korea
Kelly : which part?
Dk : ...my whole body


Lia : hey Zoe you know that I'm quick at maths
Zoe : okay, so what's 47 x 74 ?
Lia : 28
Zoe : wrong!
Lia : I know but I was quick


Ara : what time is it?
Lia : i don't know pass me the saxophone
Lia : *blows it loudly*
Kelly : who the fck is playing saxophone at 2am
Lia : it's 2am


Lia : what is it like dating Kelly?
Jungkook : once she was pissed at me and I asked her for a glass of water.
Jungkook : she brought me a glass of ice and told me to wait.


Lia : would you like a cup of coffee?
Taehyung : yah sure
Lia : great, get me one too


Zoe : god this house is such a mess
Kelly : huh! This is nothing you should see my life.


Lia : what do you call a fish with no eye
Zoe : myxine circifrons
Lia : .........
Lia : fsh


Scoups : why is there blood everywhere?
Kelly : i may have aggressively poked someone with a knife
Kelly : no no I just aggressively poked them


Scoups : nothing is free
Dk : love is free
Jun : friendship is free
Lia : sleep is free
Zoe : knowledge is free
Jeonghan : air is free
Kelly : everything is free if you take it without asking


Seungkwan : will you slap Mingyu for a million dollars?
Kelly : I will round-house kick him in the face for free


Zoe : Ara is that a hickey
Ara : no it's a mosquito bite

*Scoups walks into the room*

Scoups : hey guys
Kelly : hey mosquito


Zoe : hey hoshi do you have a body lotion
Hoshi : no I don't like the way it taste
Zoe : why would you EAT the lotion!?
Hoshi : no why would I when it doesn't taste good


Lia : yo i made us this friendship bracelet
Kelly : you know I'm not a jewelry person
Lia : oh its ok you don't have to wear---
Kelly : no I am gonna wear it forever back off.


Ara : it's a little muggy out today
Kelly : I swear to god if I go out and find all the mugs out in the lawn I'm leaving this house.
Ara : *sips coffee from the bowl*


The8 : nice hands Kelly
Kelly : uh thanks?
The8 : I'm sure they would look better wrapped around my d---


Lia : *kicks the door open looking panicked*


Zoe : don't you think it's crazy
Mingyu : what?
Zoe : my heart is beating so loudly right now
Mingyu : *blushes* why
Zoe : there's a cockroach near your feet
Mingyu : *jumps higher than the Australian kangaroo*


Lia : zoe are you free this Saturday around 8pm?
Zoe : yeah, why?
Lia : what about you Mingyu?
Mingyu : yeah I am
Lia : great cause I'm not you two go out without me and enjoy your date
Zoe : ........
Mingyu : did she just

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