Random Incorrect quotes #4

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Ara : Kelly...

Kelly : I can tell by the tone of your voice that you are disappointed. Alas, I must further disappoint you by affirming how little I give a fuck.


Lia : everyone thinks they know me, but I have a wild side. one time in class, i didn't take any notes.


Zoe : You killed him!
Kelly : He died of natural causes.
Zoe : You call dying from a knife to the neck “natural causes?”
Kelly : Obviously. Dying when you’re stabbed in the neck is the most natural thing in the world.
Kelly : It would have been really unnatural if he’d survived.


Scoups : I love cherries! It’s so sweet! It is such a lovely fruit!
Ara : I’m glad you love yourself
Scoups, confused : What??
Ara : I love cherries too.


Mingyu, confused : What are you doing?
Zoe : Uhh what does it look like I’m doing?
Mingyu : it looks like you're stealing my hoodies


Kelly : *Snuggling in Joshua's arms*
Joshua : What are you doing...?
Kelly : I'm hiding
Joshua : Do you mean... Hugging?
Kelly : *Pauses* Did I stutter? No! Now shut up and put your hands out for me to hide.


Kelly : I'm cold..
Dk : Here take my jacket.
Lia : I'm cold..
Jeonghan : Take my scarf.
Zoe : I'm cold..
Mingyu : *Sets the whole world on fire*
Ara : I'm cold..
Hoshi (dumbest) : *sets Ara on fire*


Jeonghan : I'm mad at everyone.
Lia : Everyone?
Jeonghan : *Sighs* Except you lili-ah
Lia : Yay! :D


Kelly : Look at those beautiful stars
Lia : Yeah they are beautiful
Zoe : You know who else is beautiful?
All three : *sighs* Ara unnie


Lia :  It seems like bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Kelly : lili, you don’t have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you’re a dumbass.


Kelly : Hope you get run over.
Zoe : Hoping is all well and good, but ultimately, it gets you nowhere. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Get in your car and run me the fuck down instead of waiting for others to do your work for you, you coward. You lazy fool.


Lia : I have no parental figure telling me not to wrestle bears
Scoups : [appears quickly] It’s me. I am that figure. I am telling you now: do not wrestle bears.


SHE is the pure and actual definition of BEAUTY!!!
If anyone disagrees....


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Kelly and Dino : I got an A on my exam!
Scoups : WTF!
Dino : Hyung, what do you think ‘wtf’ means?
Kelly : it means wh--sjsjdbdjfj
Scoups, covering Kelly's mouth : it means 'Well that’s fantastic'!


Lia : Tall things always make me feel weak, like, look at this sunflower. It is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.
Kelly : Wow, then you might hate Mingyu a lot.
Mingyu : why it's always me ?


Lia : Words ending in 'ie' are so cute, like 'sweetie' and 'cookie' 'sweetie'.
Woozi : 'die'.


Kelly [walks into room]: Sorry I was late, I was…doing things.
Mingyu [enters the room, noticeably disheveled]: SHE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS !!


Jeonghan [holds the door open for Lia]: After you.
Lia : No, after you.
Jeonghan : I insist, after you.
Kelly [pushes past both of them]: After me.


Woozi : Who the fuck-
Zoe : Language.
Woozi : Whom the fuck-
Zoe : No I-


Lia : What would the chef recommend?
Employee : ma'am, this is McDonalds
Lia : so what I need the manager RIGHT NOW !! THE STAFF BEING RUDE-

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