Atsushi...2 Angst

905 19 12

TW- puking? blood?
Fluff and angst

Akutagawa POV

I got up around 4:30 am to get ready for work this morning skipping breakfast, I got to work and I was told that we were going to work with the ADA I wasn't to work up about it but I had a mission with chuuya, atsushi and dazai which was one of the people I didn't like. Apparently it was a special case and we were all paired up because we four were more skilled and better partners which was obviously not my decision to be partnered up with one of my enemies.

Atsushi POV

I was at the agency doing my work today before we had to leave, later on I heard the door bust open slamming against the wall and there was chuuya and Akutagawa standing there right at the front door. I gave Akutagawa the disgusted look and turned back to my work but was stopped by a hand slamming against my desk making me clench and look up to see my enemy standing right in front of me, telling me to follow him to go to the bathroom I didn't want to go but I didn't want to put up a fight for how tired I was so I just listened and did as he says, but all he did was just yell at me and asking why we had to be partnered up with each other I didn't know why either I told him but he didn't care anymore and just walked off like nothing had just happened, I hated yelling and was terrified when he was yelling at me so I ran into a stall and sat on my knees crying silently (Let's say it reminds him of the headmaster yelling at him)

It was around 4:30 am and I couldn't sleep at all that night, I heard banging at my door that made me shiver but I got up and went into the living room and opened the door to Akutagawa, chuuya and dazai I was confused until he said we had to start packing some clothes I asked why but he didn't say anything after that...After I was done we got into a van that I didn't even recognize. Once we got to the town we were staying at for awhile, we were spending the night at 5star hotel I was surprised that we were since I'm not used to 5 rated hotels. We got our own doors but only two and there were 4 of us so we had to share a room dazai said. "Me and chuuya will share a door and you and Akutagawa where share a door, okay!" "WHAT!" me and Akutagawa both yelled, "No buts! I don't care if you guys hate each other
" dazai said unlocking his door while he gave us out door key, I sighed and unlocked it while akutagawa was screaming at me to hurry up, I rolled my eyes and groaned because I was starting to get a headache from him yelling at me, I finally got the door unlocked and we went to go look at our rooms but there was one room, me and Akutagawa both standing there shocked that there was only one room and one bed.

I walked in and akutagawa said he will sleep on one half and I will sleep on one half which I didn't care since my head was aching really bad, I sat down on the bed and fell asleep before I could take of my shoes.

Akutagawa POV

Jinko walked over to the bed and fell asleep with his legs on the side which was freaking me out so I moved him properly onto the bed and took off he shoes and let him sleep the whole night, a few hours later I woke up to a thump of jinko falling off the bed which weirded me out I got out of the bed and walked over to him and picked him up so he is back won't hurt I walked to my side of the bed and went back to to bed finally.

I woke up to the sound of peaceful rain pouring down what strangely made me relax my muscles a little making me forget that there was a tiger behind me sleeping to, I grabbed my phone off of a small desk to check what time it was 3:31 am I groaned in annoyance trying to go back to sleep but couldn't so I gave up and got up to go find something to eat from the kitchen in the hotel until I felt something touch my hand I looked back and seen jinko still half a sleep saying I should stay but I was hungry so I snatched my hand away not caring about the tiger behind me as I walk away before I closed the door to our room I looked back to see the tiger drifting back into a slumber I cringed at myself as I looked away finding some snacks. I walked back to the room and checked what time it was 5:12 am I was a little shocked about how long I've been trying to find some snacks I liked but none were my types of food I liked to have until I found some pudding (please I don't know anything abt him.) I sat down and started eating the pudding surprisingly well since this isn't what I usually eat but it was the only thing that I sort of liked so I just grabbed it, I was starting to get tired so I threw away the pudding and went to go put back the spoon I used then I drifted off into sleep, around 6:13 am I woke up to someone hitting me with a pillow trying to awake me, I groaned since I was tired and barley got any sleep I opened my eyes to see the man-Tiger hitting me, I used rashomon to get him to stop hitting me with a pillow.

Atsushi POV

It was 6:13 am and it took 15-20 minutes to wake up Akutagawa since I was only hitting with a pillow finally he woke up since he used rashomon to make me stop hitting him, " Akutagawa wake up!! AH! Put me down now!!" "I will when you drop that stupid pillow!" "FINE, I'll stop hitting you with a pillow!" "Mm" He responded with which annoyed me a lot.
When he stood up and dropped me he looked at me with a death glare with made me shiver, "well come on get off the floor lazy!" "Okay okay! Sheesh no need to scream at me!!" "I don't care!" We both jumped when our door opened, we saw dazai and chuuya standing in the front door staring at us. "Hey dazai-san!" I said excitedly "Hey atsushi! Hey Akutagawa!" Dazai smiled, I seen Akutagawa cringe at the hey.


"Well! Come on we have to eat before we start the case!" Dazai said to us, we got to a restaurant and ordered our food, our food got here and I excused myself to go to the bathroom, I closed the stall and locked it bent down and coughed until I vomited the food quickly I got out rinsed my mouth out and left the bathroom before suspicion krept.

We left to the case of 29 female, 5,11ft, Ginger, grey eyed, dating, and rich. Stabbed in the back 4 times 1 gunshot in the arm and a few bruises on the face. Me and Akutagawa both cringed at the body staring at each other, "Well let's go ask some of the family members to her, her boyfriend to!" Dazai said excitingly chuuya just mad as usual which me and aku didn't care about just wanted to get on with the case so we can be done quicker, it took 4 days trying to figure out the case, found out the Boyfriend murdered her for money only being ended up in jail for 10 months which I thought was very long, we all stayed for at least another week since everyone else wasn't done their case, we had take out because we were all tired and exhausted though we didn't really do anything.

Me and Akutagawa ended up cuddling in our sleep since I woke up being hugged on the waist and my head resting on his chest, I was comfortable and didn't want to move and I went back to sleep.

Akutagawa POV

I woke up to someone resting on my chest,  my hands on their waist I opened my eyes to see the were-tiger cuddled up with me I cringed a little but I didn't mind the accidental cuddle, I got up made some food for myself not remembering the tiger, I made grill cheese since I never had it before it was surprisingly well good, "Akutagawa?" I heard the were-tiger say in a low voice just waking up from his slumber, "hm?" I responded with since I was eating, "can I have a bite?" The man tiger asked still half asleep, "oh, sure.." I blushed slightly since I'm not used to this, "yay!" He said tiredly coming over to take a bite but before he could I teased him a little moving the sandwich more farther where he couldn't reach, "Akutagawa! Stop!!"he groaned as I continued to tease him.

Again the door flung open from chuuya me and atsushi both stopped from what we were doing and looked up at the front to look at them both telling us to pack up again and say we are going back, I ate the rest of the sandwich before the tiger could and he clenched his teeth together stopping the urge to yell at me since he didn't get a bite out of the sandwich, we all packed up and hopped into the van, me and atsushi sitting in the back while dazai teased chuuya yelling at him to stop while he's trying to drive me and atsushi we're both still tired from the long drive both sleeping each other.

Atsushi POV

I was awoken by akutagawa saying to wake up or he'll throw me out of the van, I didn't wanna be thrown and being tooken care of yasano because she was scary, we got to the agency to be greeted by the other members back already since our ride was 2 hours long. It was 8:45 in the morning and I didn't have breakfast from a specific person that wouldn't give me a bite out of their sandwich, I didn't wanna eat but I was starving knowing I'll just cough up the food I just ate the food being wasted but being around Akutagawa made it easier for me to not vomit up the food and just ate it since I was comfortable in his presence.

This is probably the longest one!

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