Atsushi... Angst

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TW- puking? and blood?

Atsushi POV

"God I have a headache" "Susshii~" Dazai says coming from behind wrapping his hands around me. "Oh! hi dazai" "Susshii You don't mind doing my work~" " Mhm I don't mind" I say annoyed Though dazai seemed to notice I wasn't my normal self, "You mad?" "No I just have a headache that's all" "Ohh okay see you at lunch!" He says excitedly. I was thinking about asking to go home since I don't feel too well but I didn't want to be a nuisance.


~~Lunch Time~~~

Atsushi POV

"Me and atsushi are going to go out and eat!" Dazai yelled " So we're going to be right back!!" He yelled once again "Alright be back in 30-40 minutes!" One of the co-workers yelled back. Once we got a cafe we ordered some coffee and water
By the time our food got here I felt uneasy.


we finished our food then I excused myself to go use the bathroom before we left, I locked the stall door and leaned over and coughed up all the food I just ate, I washed my hands and left the bathroom before it got suspicious for how long I was taking.


Dazai POV

Atsushi excused himself to go use the bathroom before we left, I decided to go and follow him to the bathroom because it was suspicious he needed the bathroom right after eating, when he got into the stall he coughed up all the food we just ate. I got back into position in front of the face door where I was before, so atsushi wasn't suspicious of anything. I made a plan to stay at his place for the week.

Atsushi POV

Dazai asked if he would stay at my house for the week after work today I didn't mind since I had nothing to hide except I had no food at home.
By the time we went to my apartment it was around 5:10 pm and dazai decided to cook though I didn't really trust him with cooking since he might end up burning the apartment down.

Dazai POV

When we got to his apartment I wanted to cook and see if he would use the bathroom right after eating, I cooked some rice and soup for dinner since that was the only thing he had in his kitchen, I thought it was a bit weird...So I asked. "Susshii do you have any food in here at all?" "No why?" Atsushi looked up at me with a look of 'why?'. " Because I don't see anything, Did you go shopping at all?" "No I didn't have time too" He smiled dryly. "okay! That's all I wanted to ask" "oh okay?"  He responded with, which I thought was a bit dry.

Atsushi POV

Dazai wanted to eat rice and soup mixed in together, I got uneasy again from the dinner we were going to eat, Dazai just stared at me with a questioning look why I won't eat the food. Once we both finished our food I told dazai I was going to take a shower.


I turned on the shower and also turned on the sink faucet I got on the floor on my knees, I then put my two fingers in my throat to throw up the food once I finished I took a breather for a minute and turned off the sink faucet, then got into the shower with a blade on the side, I grabbed the blade and cut deep into my upper thigh biting my lip to not scream at the pain but a whimper escaped my mouth once I got out of the shower I quickly cleaned up the blood and got a bandage to cover it up.


I got into pj's and hopped into bed like nothing had happened I only had one bed so dazai slept on the other side of the bed, I woke up to hands around my arms and a head on my head which weirded me out, I got out of the grasp of dazai's and sat up trying to get my vision to focus. I got up and headed into the bathroom to brush my teeth until I smelled some pancakes and syrup I go out of the bathroom and seen food on the table where I usually sit in and also seen dazai making his own plate of pancakes, I was disgusted by the food on the table but headed towards the table and started eating, right after I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower and hopped in forgetting I cut myself last night and flinched at the pain on my upper thigh, I let out a small quiet whimper at the slight pain but gotten used to it right away.

I heard some blood dripping down and looked to see that I lost a lot of blood from the cut last night, I panicked and turned off the shower got out and immediately got a new bandage for the cut but it started flowing through the bandage I just put on I started panicking not knowing what to do, a few minutes later it stopped flowing so I got another bandage and changed it, I didn't know I was in the bathroom for an hour and 30 minutes. dazai got worried when he wanted to check up on me but before he could I got out.

Atsushi's POV

when me and dazai got to the agency we had a job to do before we sat down, we were told that we were going to work with the port mafia, Me and dazai got paired up with akutagawa and chuuya for a special case though I wondered why ranpo couldn't just do it since he can figure out cases pretty quickly but he was already on a mission so he couldn't do it.

Akutagawa POV

I got up around 4:30 am to get ready for work this morning skipping breakfast, I got to work and I was told that we were going to work with the ADA I wasn't to work up about it but I had a mission with chuuya, atsushi and dazai which was one of the people I didn't like. Apparently it was a special case and we were all paired up because we four were more skilled and better partners which was obviously not my decision to be partnered up with one of my enemies.


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