Still 2 Fluff

670 11 9

Help I don't know what to do I'm out of ideas 😭
Sskk(No smut)

Human au(They call him tiger though cause he suits a tiger)

TW- ???

Atsushi POV

"AH" I screamed at a horrifying scene holding dazai hardly "HAHAHAHA" he laughed at me I let go of him and looked away in embarrassment I checked the time to see it was 12:30 am "Dazai-San I'm tired " I said looking up at him, I walked to him to continue watching I fell asleep in dazai's arms wrapped around me, waking up on the couch and dazai gone "huh? where is he?" I smelled something I looked behind me and seen dazai cooking food? I didn't fully trust him with cooking but I was sorta hungry since dazai went to the store last night and got wine and wanted me to try so I didn't mind but I don't remember anything that night after the little movie, (had to add some spice again 😈) "Dazai-San my head hurts!" I pouted getting up to him "You drank a lot atsushi" he said happily "what are you making?" I asked "you don't know what pancakes and hash browns is?!" He said surprised "uh no?" I sounded confused"it's a breakfast meal!" He shouted "I never had a breakfast meal dazai-San" I responded "So you skipped breakfast all the time?" He asked me "No I usually have an apple, banana, and orange sometimes" I said "That's not a breakfast sushi..." He said sadly "Oh..." I sounded surprised that it wasn't since I usually on was allowed to eat those in the orphanage. "Huh okay.." he said continued to cook 'breakfast'.

"WAH WHAT IS THIS DAZAI-SAN?!" I ate all the food "Slow down tiger! No one's going to eat your food!" He laughed "Hey! I'm not a tiger!" I shouted with food in my mouth "Whatever you say tiger" he teased "Hmph I'm not a tiger.." I mumbled eating the food he starting laughing again.

"Ah that was so good!" I sat back on my chair "How did it taste sushi?" He asked leaning on the table "mmm, the pancakes are so good! And the hashbrowns are the best!" I responded happily "That's good!" He said "well I should headoff to work, you stay home okay I'll be back later on" he said walking out not giving me a chance to say anything "No..." I whispered "I don't want to stay home dazai..."Ugh I might just walk around the city since I got nothing else to do" I thought getting ready and walking out.

As I was walking around in the middle of the city I felt someone's presence behind me and I was walking in a unpopular place I started walking faster only to hear there footsteps getting faster as well I walked towards the agency as I was walking faster and faster only hearing the others footsteps also getting faster I was infront of the agency door I walked in and looked back and seen the person walking away in all black "People are so weird these days...Thank god I went to the agency..." I looked infront of me and seen Akutagawa and dazai I gasped at the surprise "Dazai don't scare me like that!" I shouted "Hehe sorry sushi!" He apologized "But why were you looking behind you?" He asked "Oh...well I felt like I was getting followed and I came here to see they left" I said my arm on my neck "Hmm, did you see that they looked like sushi?" He leaned over to my height "No, not the face but seen they were in black clothing and around average height" I said "Okay...Good that you came here right away" he said "Oh Akutagawa what are you doing here?" I asked nervously "None of your business tiger" he said looking away "I'M NOT A TIGER!" I screamed looking at dazai giggling "DID YOU TELL HIM THAT?!" I said angrily "No~" he said grabbing my chin "Don't try get all flirty, go do that with your women!" I said lifting his hand off "Okay okay" he sighed "I guess it doesn't work on you does it" he said "No because I'm not gay like you and chuuya" I said "Chu Chu is gay?!" He said excited "You didn't know?" He asked "No! He is such a liar!" He puffed crossing his arms I giggled and looked at Aku who was embarrassed "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" I asked making him bend down to my height to touch his forehead " Get your hands off me!" He shouted pushing me away "So no fever? Okay" I confusedly "And you said you weren't gay" he giggled at me "I'm not!" I said "Oh yeah what was that then?" He flirtly said "I was just wondering if he had a fever" I said "Mhm okay see you later sushi! Oh yeah! Akutagawa is staying at your apartment for awhile!" He waved off at us walking away "HUH?! WHEN!" I shouted I didn't get a response I looked up to see Akutagawa already looking at me "Eep!" I looked away embarrassed "Well we should get going now!" I said getting up and walking away as he followed behind me not speaking.
"Ugh this is so awkward maybe I'll slow down and try to talk with him..." I thought "Hey, how was your day Akutagawa?" I said, no response I sighed closing my eyes for second and saw Akutagawa already far ahead "WHAT HOW DID YOU GET SO FAR?!" I ran to him but I accidentally fell on him "AH SORRY" I got up and tried helping him up but pushed my hand away and walked off like nothing happened I was so embarrassed.

We got to my apartment and we walked in akutagawa just sat on the couch watching tv I was so bored and just sat down on the other side of the couch since we didn't like eachother I was getting tired so I fell asleep on the side.

Akutagawa POV

I noticed that Atsushi fell asleep so I decided to move over to his side and moved him into a more comfortable position, I fell asleep later on.

Dazai POV

I told atsushi that Akutagawa was staying at his place for the time being I came to Atsushi's apartment at midnight to see them cuddling in a deep sleep(Help I cant make angst😭)

AAAAAA sorry it's short but here is 1095 words 😘

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