Still Angst

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TW- Blood + Puke +
Human au

We starting off serious today😈

Atsushi POV

I finally finished my work, it was around 11 pm when I finished and it took me at least 40 minutes to walk home, but on my way home I was dragged into an alleyway and pushed on the ground looking up to see 3 men standing in-front of me grinning two smaller men behind a bigger man out I was confused but didn't rest worry until..."we got our selves adorable boy." The bigger man said 😘 (since I don't like seeing my baby boy being hurt I'm not showing him suffering) 😭.

Few hours later😟

I was on the cold ground sobbing, covered in c-m and blood, My body hurting I got up grabbing my clothes putting them on limping the whole way home opening my door heading to the bathroom to take a shower and a bath to get rid of the smell of those disgusting men, I sobbed sitting in the tub water splashing on my face before the water got cold I took a bath until morning I fell asleep on the side tub waking to cold water and my phone alarm clock getting out to my bones sore and hickeys all over my body making me disgusted by how of how I looked now I had make up under my sink since I used to like make up but I completely forgot about it, it came in use this time to cover up all my hickeys, putting powder all over made me feel weird I forgot the feeling of make up.

I left the house to the agency saying hi to everyone that became a daily basis, dazai came up hugging my waist and laying his chin on my neck smelling some make up on my neck "Atsushi why do I smell make up on you?" He whispered to my ear "What do you mean Dazai?" I questioned clenching a little "Atsushi I can smell make up on you." He said "Well I just wanted to try some make up" I said "You like make up?" He questioned
"Yea! I've had an interest in trying to make up" I said "Hmm really?" He responded with "Yup!" I said in excitement, "okay! See you at lunch then" he waved off at me I also started waving bye to him, I sighed with relief from his suspicion.

I continued on with work as usual not paying attention to the time concentrating on my work to not think of those men "ATSUSHII" dazai yelled at me making me flinch at the yell I looked up to him "Yes?..." I said embarrassingly "I've been yelling your name for the past 20 minutes!" He said jumping off a table, "What has gotten into you atsushi??" He asked me leaning over to me, "well nothing really I'm just trying to finish my work quickly" I responded to him "Really?? Are you sure?" He sounded suspicious making me tense if he found out what happened last night "Atsushi? Your tensed?" He said pointing down to my clenched up fist, "oops haha..." I sounded really embarrassed "Hmm okay.." he walked back to his desk still looking at me sending a shiver down my spine "oh god...don't tell me he found out" I thought looking down to my hands clenching up, I exhaled out calming myself down and went back to doing my work still dazai staring at me with a stupidly weird face making me giggle a little dazai seemed to have noticed and seemed happy about it and went to go bug kunikida, I sighed and didn't let that distract me one bit, it was around 11 pm because dazai wanted me to do his work I didn't mind really but my hands were exhausted and sore I left the agency putting dazai's papers on his desk and mine on my desk, I started getting suspicion that I was being followed but didn't care about my instinct since I wanted to get home and go to sleep but I was pushed down to the ground passing out from hitting the cement to hard, waking up to the same three guys I from yesterday, making me terrified "Oh sweetie don't cry." The guy in the middle said.
"W-What do you want from me?!" I sobbed "Your beautiful, We want beautiful people." He said grabbing my chin "We have been eyeing you for a long time." He whispered " I'm tired please.." I begged(😨) "Your going to be more tired now cutie." He said, "No! Please!" I begged continuly(😭).

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