"Shit~" Smut

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TW- smut?Yes.
- Aftercare? Obviously 😘
Top akutagawa
Bottom atsushi

Atsushi POV

A normal day at the agency until I felt someone grab my wrist and dragged me out of the agency I gasp loud enough for the agency members to hear me and look at my direction, I closed my eyes and I was pushed against an alleyway wall, I opened my eyes to see my enemy standing right in front of me holding my wrists above my head making me embarrassed "H-Huh?! What are you doing?!" I clenched my teeth together trying not to use my ability, suddenly I felt a pair of lips press against mine sending me to a gasp allowing him to have an entrance slipping in his tongue exploring the insides of my mouth making me shiver, (Nah I didn't know what to do since they both like eachother to and don't give consent about sex.... I couldn't come up with angst to here's some smut) I felt a hand go up my back and down softly making me arch my back(His back is ticklish☺️ but isn't every1 back ticklish) to stop the soft touch on my back but continued for awhile until the hands went farther down,(Reminder they are still kissing😨) I pulled back for a breather, drool on my chin, tongue out, and opened my eyes to make eye contact with akutagawa and felt the hands enter making a gasp come out (HE IS STILL HOLDING HIS WRISTS UP🤨) "aKuu~" I moaned from the feeling, "AaaaHh~" as his fingers went faster and farther I looked up to see the taller man grinning in amusement "Fu~ck" I managed to moan out "AkU!~ Aaah~ Please!" I shivered out "Please what?" He whispered into my ear sending a shiver down my back speeding up "Mmphh~ We're- Aah~ Outside!~" "We're in an alleyway my tiger" "Aaah~ I- don't Aughh~ caree!" I choked out, a warm feeling I never felt before making my stomach hurt, arching my back from him hitting a certain spot "Is that your spot?hm.." he hummed out hitting that certain spot over and over covering my mouth to keep me quiet, making me continuously moan louder and faster, he stopped where I was near my climax he took them out, he took my clothing off I gasped at the cold air that touched my skin shifting me toward the wall cheek against the cold wall.

Akutagawa POV

He moaned non-stop from the pain and pleasure he was having. (Wow small POV)

Astushi POV

He thrust into me slowly then stopped I tried to take a breather but slammed into me without a warning "AAahh~!" I moaned loudly from overstimulation,
"AkU~ AaaHhh~!" I was very unfamiliar with sex and didn't know what to do in this situation but, moan uncontrollably.
Still holding my wrists over my back then let go to feel the soft up and down touch on my back making me arch my back and shiver, I was unable to say a word from overstimulation, legs shaking, back arching, breathless, and moaning, He stopped once again and flipped me over giving me sloppy kisses but still passionate (He didn't give consent to fuck you though?) Thrusted into me while he was holding my back, using rashomon to hold me up, his thumb on my tip to make sure I didn't climax making me overstimulated, "AKU~ AaaHHhh~I-IT HURTTSS" I half screamed mixed with a moan, "Good, You sound amazing..." He whispered and used rashomon to mute my moans, I rolled my eyes back my back arching again from hitting the spot, he noticed and shifted himself to hit the same spot making me more overstimulated.

My eyelids got heavier by the hour I wanted to pass out from the stimulation
Akutagawa noticed but didn't stop, "NGGHh~ AKu~ MY STO- AAaHH~ MACH HURTSs~" I said in-between my moans "Awh? It does?" He groaned "MmMHmM~" I, only able to respond with, his thrusts got sloppier each time, he let his thumb off and I climaxed, I leaned against his chest still wearing a shirt and coat, I closed my eyes wanting to sleep, feeling him put my clothes on me and my hair fixed being picked up bridle way.

At Atsushi house

I fought against the sleeping and won surprisingly moved my head a little to the surprise I saw my apartment wondering how he got my address but then remembered dazai could've given it to him so I didn't really mind about it, he unlocked my apartment door finding the bathroom eventually he found it and turned on the bathtub he put me in the water that had bubbles on top of the water still sleepy from what had happened just a few minutes ago, he washed my hair, my body, and to get rid of the that was on me under my clothes, my bones hurt and are sore, I wanted to sleep but I was in the tub, aku held my head so I wouldn't fall fully in the water he got me out and dried my hair and body put on my pajamas he found in my closet, brushed my teeth for me and carried me to bed, he left to take a shower to get rid of the smell( I think he doesn't like showers but he just did it so he has to wash himself☺️) he came back wearing my other pajamas that were to big for me I barely was able to see since I was tired, he got into my bed and brought me closer to him I fell asleep in his arm and my head against his chest, his arms on my waist to keep me close to him.

Dazai POV

Atsushi was dragged by akutagawa I wondered why but soon knew why haha, I came running to his apartment, I came barging into his room to see Akutagawa and atsushi cuddling in a deep sleep, Atsushi had some drool on his chin and dried up tears on his face I immediately know what had happened so I tiptoed out of the apartment and giggled from the free view I got.


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