Chapter 34

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Surprise !
You know what guys, I was in a super good mood today and had a burst of inspiration so I'm surprising you guys with another chapter !!! Crowley's POV here you go, enjoy !

Crowley POV

"Can't you stay here?" She asks quickly.
I stop in my path, not sure if I heard her right.

She has been awfully clingy to me today, which in itself wouldn't be a problem, heck I was thinking that the mating bond might finally have festered, if not for the fact that she had spoken with her fellow human earlier.

Her behavior was suspicious, but I couldn't help myself from allowing her to do as she pleased, especially because she wanted to get closer to me. The whole time she was sitting on my lap I was trying to focus on not biting her, drinking her blood or claiming her right then and there. Once I noticed she had started to doze off the urge had lessened somewhat. I decided it best if I took some time away from her for a while to get my instincts back under control, but now that she has asked me to stay the night I don't know how to reply. It has become harder by the day to not sink my fangs into her.

If I stay, I won't be able to keep myself from her. Her scent is intoxicating. If I drink from her she will hate me and all the progress I've made with her so far will be lost.

I turned around slowly, looking at her where she lay in bed, eyes wide as if she was surprised with herself for daring to ask.

"I'll come by later, but I have some very urgent business to attend to first." I reply. Trying to find a good excuse to get away from the situation. She looked so adorable I can't take it much longer. The memory of the taste of her blood circulating every part of my mind, trying to coax me into drinking from her, to finally claim her as mine.

Without waiting for her to reply I exited the room and closed the door softly behind me. I had to get some fresh air before I did something I would regret.
Not wanting to continue working in my office I decided to actually go outside for a while would probably do the deed, if I'm lucky I might even find some livestock hanging around somewhere which I can satisfy my thirst from for now.

I left the building swiftly and jumped from building to building, searching for some livestock to satisfy my thirst.

It did take awhile before I stumbled upon a small group of them, probably because my little mouse's friends that escaped informed their comrades to stay clear of this area. Sadly, these pitiful beings were still too close.

There were five of them, ripe for the plucking. I circled them a few times, staying in the shadows so as not to make my presence yet known. I was making sure no surprises were hiding anywhere.
After a few minutes it seemed like the coast was clear and I started to emerge from the shadows.

I walked over to them calmly, as if they were long lost friends of mine. The thought made me smile. As if I ever could be friends with such weak creatures. To think Hana was one of them made my skin crawl slightly. I would have to turn her into a vampire as soon as she accepts our bond fully, but her continues resistance against the thought of becoming one of my kind irritated me.

She would rather kill her mate and die before living as one of my kind.

The memory of what she told me made me halt. She would hate me if I turned her without her approval. And why was she so against vampires? Because two of them killed her whole squad?

I can show her that not all vampires are as bad. The humans had not yet noticed me, but that would change soon.
I decided right then and there that I would only kill one of the humans, so as to show my little mouse that not all vampires were keen on wasting precious blood so easily.
Whichever one was the weakest would be my target. After all, it's the rule of nature. Strongest survive, I would do them a kindness of a quick death.

I took another few steps forward, finally the light of their small campfire illuminating my body. The one on watch soon noticed me and shouted for their friends to wake up and get ready to fight. To kill a sleeping prey would be no fun after all so I let them take up their weapons and get into position.

Time to blow off some steam.

They attacked, always in the same formation, which made their moves boringly predictable.
I swatted them away one after the other, not even bothering to pull out my sword yet.
I dodged, punched, dodged some more and kicked my way easily through all of them. None of them seeming to pose a real threat to me.

I finally decided to pull out my sword and to test their weaponskills. One of the females shot an arrow at me which I easily swatted to the side with my sword.
Another, this time a male, tried to attack me with his own sword, but he soon realized his mistake and was blown into a wall.
Two other males came at me at the same time, one with an axe and the other with a two daggers. I twisted my way out of their attack and returned with a blow of my own, sending the two of them through the air and landing hard on the concrete.

The final livestock was another female, she swung with her morning star with all her might. I jumped away in time, but the concrete where I had stood only seconds before was now turned into a huge crater.

After toying some more with them I decided that one of the male livestock was the weakest. I disarmed and knocked all of them unconscious except that one guy. He was trampling in his boots, almost crying.


The boy that I fought before, the half demon boy, he was much more interesting than these pathetic insects. I made sure to make quick work of my food, already getting bored and wanting to return to my mate.

After drinking myself full I left the body next to his still unconscious comrades so they can give him a proper burial.

See Hana, vampires can be civilized.

I was in a good mood, even going so far as to go a little detour so as to blow off some more steam before I would make my way to Hana's room. I wasn't sure what to expect once I got back there but I would be happy even if she was already asleep and I could just watch her in silence.

A sudden rush of fear and desperation suddenly shot through me, so intense that I fell to my knees in shock.
Something was happening to my mate, and whatever it was she was scared shitless.

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