Chapter 19

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I land ungracefully on the ground next to Guren. I look back up at Crowley only to notice him blocking an attack. Three daggers falling to the ground harmlessly.
I turn to look at Guren, he is silent and not moving but I notice he's conscious, his eyes looking around the room frantically until they stop in one specific direction.
I follow his line of sight and I notice just in time one of his squad members falling back behind a stone wall.
"Ah there's more of you I see" Crowley says, sounding slightly bored. I turn to look at him again. With some luck he will get distracted by the fight and I'll be able to get Guren and me away from here, or if I can find my staff maybe I can kill Crowley myself. I look around again but the floor is covered in lava, there was no way of knowing where my staff might have landed earlier with this illusion still in place.
So I needed to bid my time instead and hope for an opening to escape. I watched Crowley closely, he seemed to be waiting for the next attack.
Before I noticed her, Crowley already whirled around, bringing down his sword with such force it would have been a fatal blow if not for another member of the Guren squad interference. The soldier blocks Crowley's attack with his pipe and dives back into the lava together with the female soldier.
The red haired soldier is up next, she tries to punch and kick Crowley, but he easily dodges her attacks, catching her by her ankle and throwing her like a rag doll into the black haired girl who was about to attack as well. Both soldiers fall into the lava and disappear from view.
"What do you think you are doing?! Get out of here now!" Guren shouts, a slight panic lacing his voice.
The woman with light brown hair stands up from the lava, "not without you!" She answers, desperation evident in her voice.
"We won't leave you two behind!" The black haired women from just before comments.
"We're as good as dead, retreat!" Guren shouts, a sad smile on his lips.
"I told you to shut up." Crowley says annoyed, kicking Guren in his wound.
Guren screamed out in pain.
Now is my chance.
I jump up and snatch the daggers that had been laying on the ground. Luckily I remember where they had landed when Crowley had swatted them away.
I quickly turn to Crowley, intent on stabbing him in the back. I brought forward the blade with my left hand but was stopped by Crowley turning around in time to grab my wrist. He held it with just enough force to make me let go of the weapon.
However, he wasn't quite quick enough to notice the other dagger in my right hand. Thanks to the adrenaline I didn't really have time to aim, and just stabbed him without a specific mark. Sadly it ended up in his left bicep and would not be a fatal wound even if it was cursed gear.
To my dismay he didn't even flinch. He just looked at the dagger in his arm curiously and then at me. Then to my surprise, he smiled. The idiot had the balls to smile at me.
He let go of my wrist, making me fall to the ground in defeat. He pulled out the dagger as if it were just a splinter and watched as the wound healed.
As soon as it was healed he looked back at me, that smile still on his lips. "I was right to think you wouldn't be boring" he says simply and throws the dagger away. This time too far for me to reach it easily.
"Now, where were we" Crowley continues and turns back around only to give Guren another hard kick in the gut.
"Guren!"one of the female soldiers shouts, trying to reach him but Guren stops her.
"Stay back!" He commands her. "He'll slaughter every one of you. Lead them Goshi!" He grunts out as Crowley kicks him another time.
The man with the pipe, and the one who does the illusion, Goshi, tries to stand up.
"But sir, I can't!" He shouts, he obviously didn't want to leave his commander here.
"Complete the mi-" Guren tries to speak but gets cut off by another kick from Crowley.
"He's killing him!" the brunette cries. She tries to rush forward but is held back by Goshi. He looks pained and swears in dismay, but slams down his pipe against a rock anyway, causing a loud ringing noise to erupt from it.
With that sound more and more lava starts to stream into the cave like room.
I look around in panic, forgetting for a moment that it is only an illusion. The others had disappeared in the chaos.
Crowley looks around, seemingly entirely unbothered by the situation. He straightens a bit and watches the lava for a second before slashing with his sword across it. His swipe send a wave of force across the entire illusion, effectively breaking the spell.
But it had not been only that that he had managed to break. Once I opened my eyes again I see that the whole side of the city hall building is blown out.
I gape in surprise but close my mouth as soon as I realize the others had managed to flee. Relief flooded me knowing they were out of harms way.
It was now only me, Crowley and Guren, who lay motionless in a corner but still breathing.
It wasn't until Chess spoke up that I noticed the two of them were also still here.
"Wow, super impressive lord Crowley." Chess says looking at the damage.
Horn rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, clearly annoyed by Chess's childish behavior. "Now is not the time to start fawning over him Chess." She says.
Crowley walks over to Guren, and nudges him with his boot, forcing Guren to lay on his back and face Crowley.
"Your friends have left you behind." Crowley comments casually.
Guren smirks, "guess they don't like me very much."
Crowley only stared at him, unfazed. "Seems like quite the opposite if you ask me." He says turning to look at me when he continues speaking. "Either way, you two are mine now."
I glare at him in return but stay silent. I was not going to satisfy this bloodsucker by becoming his entertainment.
He strolls over to me, "you don't have anything to say to that?" He asks. Wanting to get a rise out of me.
I bite my tongue hard, trying to keep myself from giving him any sort of reply. But I bite so hard that I start to taste metal in my mouth.
Crowley's eyes widen slightly as he inhales deeply, clearly being able to smell the little amount of blood in my mouth. I quickly gulp it down. His usual lazy smile returns to his face as he watches me do so.
I'm forced to break eye contact first, feeling too uncomfortable to keep it going any longer. As soon as I do a hand grabs me by the arm and pulls me to my feet.
"You're going to come with me little mouse. Get him bound nice and tight while we wait for Ferid." Crowley instructs the two females as he starts leading me away from the scene.

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