Chapter 54

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Hana's POV

As soon as I heard that horn I knew I had to go look. What I saw made my blood go cold. I wasn't sure what I was looking at anymore, an angel? A demon?
It was a monster that was for certain. The sky had turned red and the ground was shaking. Against my better judgement I decided to break my promise to Crowley and leave the deserted camp.
I ran as fast as I could, Crowley's dagger in hand. I didn't stop, not even once as I sprinted all the way to what I found out to be a huge crater.

There was so much chaos going on down there I didn't know where to look. Horseman of the apocalypse were roaming around, eating and attacking both humans and vampires alike.

Where's Crowley?!

My eyes roamed the crater but I couldn't find the tall red haired vampire. What I did find instead was Shinoa and her scythe. She was swinging it around, trying to get the horseman to back off. Yoichi and Kimizuki were there as well. Yu was fighting off another horseman that was about to attack a blonde vampire. Not just any vampire I realized, but the same one who had been with him in one of our previous battles.

I was sprinting down the crater before I realized what I was doing. I dodged attacks left and right.
Humans attacked me because I was dressed as a vampire, vampires attacked me because they could see from my body movement that I wasn't one of them. The horsemans tried to get to me but I managed to dodge their attacks as well.

My lungs felt like they were about to burst. I haven't kept up with my training at all lately and it shows.
Yet I kept pushing forward, I needed to reach my friends, needed to make sure they are safe.

A horseman stepped in my way, this one I was unable to get around.
However thankful I was to at least have a weapon in my hand, I really missed my double bladed staff at the moment.
It didn't matter how I attacked it, the dagger's blade wasn't long enough to really do any damage to it.
I needed to get to my friends, and then find Crowley. I must make sure Crowley is not among the dead. He will probably be mad at me for breaking our promise but I don't care if the people I love are in danger.

The horseman comes rushing at me, I steady myself, holding the dagger at the ready. I jump to the side just as its claws destroy the ground where I had just stood. I jump on its back, plunging with all my might the dagger into its head. The creature shrieks but instead of dying it starts trashing around, it's claws trying to reach me.
I get hurled off of it and miraculously don't let go of my only weapon. I stand up again and quickly jump to the side before another horseman manages to catch me.

There are two of them now, this was bad. I could barely take on one with this dagger.
It wouldn't have been much of a problem had I had my cursed gear but as it's looking now I'm in trouble.

Nonetheless I don't stop trying. I slice, I stab, I do everything I can with the short blade, but nothing seems to do any lingering damage. These horseman are stronger than the ones we're used to on the streets I realize as I see more humans and vampires getting killed by them all around me.

I didn't keep my focus on my enemies and that was my big mistake. It's tail hit me straight in the ribs and I flew back, dropping the dagger. I hit a rock hard, all air was pushed out of me. I didn't have time to think before one of the horsemen was on me.
It put one of its hooves on me, it's heavy weight crushing my ribs. I could literally hear a rib or three crack in my chest underneath the pressure.
I grunt out in pain. Being crushed to death wasn't how I had imagined to go.

Just then a blade sliced through the creature and in exploded into ash. The heavy weight lifted from my chest and I could finally breath again although very painfully.
I looked up and see Shinoa standing before me, her cursed gear in hand. She looks relieved to see me, small tears are forming in the corners of her eyes.
I don't even notice when I've started crying aswel.
I let out a mixture of a cry and a laugh.

My chest hurt and I wince.

Shinoa goes down on her knees beside me.
"You're hurt." She says worries. There was no time for small talk or embraces. We were still in the middle of a battle field.

"I think I broke a couple of ribs." I tell her.

"Can you move?" She asks me, I nod and she helps me sit up and eventually stand up.

It hurts, badly. But I try not to show it.

"I'm okay." I tell her. She doesn't look convinced but doesn't say anything.

"Hana!" Yoichi and Kimizuki come running towards me, I notice they just finished off the other horseman that had been attacking me.
"Yoichi! Kimizuki!" I smile broadly, I'm finally back with my squad.

"You aren't turned into one of them?" Kimizuki stops a few passes away from me and looks me up and down.
I let out a dry laugh but soon stop at the pain in my chest.

"No, if I was I wouldn't have been beaten up this easily." I tell them. I missed them.

"This is yours?" Yoichi comes over to me and hands me back Crowley's dagger which I had dropped during the battle.

"Yes, thanks Yoichi. Where's Yu?" I ask, looking around. It's hard to look for one single person among all this chaos.

"He's over there, come let's regroup. We have a lot to talk about but it can wait after we get out of here." Shinoa tells me. We jog towards the direction they said Yu was.

My chest felt like it was splitting open but I couldn't stop, not now. I needed to still make sure that Crowley was okay.

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