Mascot Melee

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"What the word?" Raph asks.

He was in a big hippo suit the same one we used to defeat Hypno-potimas. I was with him in town square since no one would bother since I was human.

We were ona  daylight mission! This never has happened before. But since there was an emergency... we needed too

"Am I clear?"

"Looks bueno from here!" Leo comments as he looks through the telescope. "You are a go for operation'let's Hope Raph come back alive'"

"Would you stop calling it that?!" Raph says annoyed.

"The frist-ever exploratory expedition in the daylight!" Donnie says excitedly. "They are going to name skewers after you pal!

"I fit right in with all the local mascots! This hippo suit works great in Times Square." Raph says. We walk among the streets of New York with out being afraid of a humans screaming in terror at the mutant turtle.

Though I had to be careful of police they still want me from our last encounter.

"I still think my trench coat would've worked!" Mikey says through the com.

"Oh! There the store!" Donnie says. I look around to see if I could find the store. 

"Go get Splinters Brithday gift! Our eyes depend on it!" Mikey says.

I remember when we were watching Jupiter Jim when dad came. 

"To,e for today training!" We look back to see dad but his clothes were in rags. 

We all groan."AGH MY EYES!" Mikey yells s he covers his eyes and I cover his eyes as well for extra protection .

"The mole is growing a mole..." Donnie observes.

"I need some bleach!" I yell.

"We gotta get him a new robe!" Leo says.

"Whose up for some jumping jacks?!" Dad says as he started jumping up and down.

This is a part I cannot tell for I am far to traumatized to go through that experience again. But let's just say we were all scared from that experience...

The light changes to the little man and man and Raph cross the streets toward the shop

"Steady as she goes" Leo cautions.

"Old man on your right." Raph moves away form the man as I follow behind.

"Kid in front of you! Has peanut butter ice cream!?" Leo gasps.

"Your allergies! Evasive menorve! Evasive menorve!" Donnie yells.

I get in front of Raph protecting him from the peanut butter. I smack the kids ice cream from out of his hand as it fall on the street.

Clear!" I yell Raph walks past the kid and walks.

"Here kid" I give him a hotdog. "it's safer."

I walk away and follow Raph as he walks like a tin solider

"Close one!" Raph says gaining his confidence in the crowd of people. "This is crazy cool! First turtle skathe through a crowd totally unnoticed and his name is Raph!"

Raph and walked through the streets then a red headed bumped into him. He grabbed Raph by the shoulders. He had a red beard but a not a hair in  his head he had very strange eyes...they looked soulless.

"Sorry!" Raph says.

The guy didn't respondn and looked Raph up and down.

"You got a problem bucko?!" I growl pointing at him. 

Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Discontinued but not completely dead!)Where stories live. Discover now