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"Purple rain!" Raph says over the radio. "Do you see the target? Purple Rain?"

We were hunting down the guy that we accidentally turned into a mutant. Due to Raph not wanting to change the plan.

"As we pan across the asphalt savanna." Donnie talks to himself. "We found the noble Bullhop. Surviving in these cruel cities will require harnessing all his fine-tuned natural instincts."

I hear the entire city of New York start blaring and beeping at a loud noise. I look down to see a giant bull running away. "And the king of the vertical veldt." Dpnnie continues. "Will go hungry again..."

"Donnie!" Raph yells over the speaker. "Quit messing around! Where is the target?!"

"WHY MUST YOU ALWAYS PUT SCIENCE IN THE BACK BURNER?!" Donnie retorts, annoyed. He sighs. "Bullhop is in the back alley of Big Mama's hotel, ya happy?"

"Very." I quip in and we all go down and sneak down into the alley way.

We see a small tent that looked very poorly made and looked on the verge of collapse.Poor guy probably doesn't know about the world below. Raph had the bag ready to capture him which I argued was a bad idea but no one seemed to lestin.

"Uh what?!" Bullhop sticks his head out while Raph then quickly covers over his face. "AH!" He screams and gets up and starts to run. "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE" He then runs into a trashcan and proceeds to knock himself out.

"Gues he took himself out." I comment poking at him to make sure he was unconscious.

"Ugh." Donnie groans his tranquilizer at the ready. "I'm not going to be able to test my tranquilizer dart.." I then hear a shot and look over to see Raph falling over on top of Bullhop.

I glare at Donnie. " Really Donnie?"

He shrugs. "It'll wear off."

I sigh and we head back to the lair me and Mikey had to double team in carrying Raph bac to the lair while Leo took Bellhop.


We were in Donnie's lab and Bullhop was lying down resting. I then start to see him stir and his eyes slowly open.

"Where...am I?" He questions.

"Hey bud." Leo says softly. 'You may not remember us-"

"OH I REMEMBER YOU!" Bullhop yells as he gest up quickly. "You're the bug hunting buffoons! Who turned me into a klutzy bull!" He smashes his fist into the table.

"Aww! He remembers us!" Mikey says sweetly.

"We're sorry about what happened to you." I say simply.

"But we were trying to grab those ozesquitos.' Leo explains.

"In Fact we- strike that- I even built this technological bug slapper we could catch them all but-"

"We ran out of Big Mama's web goo." Mikey says throwing out the Web goo holder. "So fail."

I release my spider legs. " and my webs that I use are far too silky to be used as amo." I explain showing off some of my webs. My webs were smooth, silky and strong. It was sticky do a degree but not sticky enough

"WAIT YOUR SPIDER?!" He yells confused.

"Big mama my mother, but we don't see eye to eye you know, the whole 'making yokai fight for entertainment' kinda threw me off" I explain shrugging it off.

"Anywhizzle, we feel pretty bad about what happened." Leo rubs his head.

"So we Mad Dogs decided to make it up to you!" Raph says proudly. "By showing the best day ever!" He throws his hands up and balloons drop from above.

Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Discontinued but not completely dead!)Where stories live. Discover now