Stuck on You

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For some reason I agreed to this...why did I agree to this?!

"My inventions were meant to do good!" Donnie yells. "NOT EVIL!!!"


I was questioning myself about the same thing.

Raph had made a stupid team building exercise that he had somehow managed to convince all of us to do! That exercise consisted of putting us all together in a singlaur ball. We had to work together to move.

"Why did you do this Raph?!" Mikey demands.

"You know even for you this feels like a poorly thought out through idea!" Donnie yells.

"Oh is this what it feels like to have a dad bod?!" Leo asks, looking at us in the mirror.

Donnie was the left leg and Mikey was the right. Raph was one of the hands and Leo was the other. I was using my four sets of extra spider legs that were just hanging offf. All our heads were just poking about in weird places.

"I don't think I need to say this but I will." I say trying to sound calm. "BUT THIS IS EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE!" I yell.

"Clam down!" Raph says as if this is the most normal thing in the world. "This is going to be awesome! Being forced to be stuck together is gonna force us to work together as a team!" Raph throws one of his arms up.

We jerk together and I get a mini heart attack. Then we stabilize.

"This is a team building exercise?!" Leo groans.

"This is what tears a team apart!" I yell.

"How are we gonna get unglued?!" Donnie demands.

"Relax, I'm sure you have a formula to get us unstuck Donnie!" Raph says calmly.

"Actually! I do not have a formula to get us unstuck!" He doesn't have it?! "My F.A.B spray is still in beta!"

"F.A.B?" Leo asks but then zi wish he didn't.

"F-A-B, foam agent bonding. It ate of the art." Donnie says as he was about to ramble on about stuff I don't understand.

"Donnie detection! A crime is in progress!" A alRm goes off.

"Yes!" Raph yells. "A mission! It's go time!" He points at the computers but we're stuck on the floor like a baby learning to crawl.

"Stop!" Raph orders. We all stop struggling. " We need to work as a team to get to Donnie's computer! Mikey step!" Mikey grunts as he tries to pull his leg. "Donnie step!" Donnie pulls his leg up as well and finally we can walk! Sorta...

"Donnie what's your password?" Raph asks as we reach the computer.

"I am not telling you that!!!" Donnie says seemingly afraid. "Just let me enter it!"

"How?" Leo asks. "You don't have hands

"You gonna use your head to type it in?" I ask sarcastically.

"Try...I love my family!" Mikey says.

Raph types it in but it says it's wrong.

"Try...I love my siblings!" Mikey says listing another possible password.

The computer says it wasn't that.

"STOP!" Donnie yells. "It not That. It''s BootyyyShaker9000!" Donnie confesses. " capital B and three y's in booty..."

We all snicker. I was trying not to laugh loudly.

"What?! You know I love to dance!" Donnie yells. "Not going to apologize for that!"

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