A/: how the shell guys! Already 4K views! Thank y'all so much!
We were sitting around the projector watching the shows dad was watching.
"Congrats on the acting job April." Raph congrats April
She beams with pride and relief that she finally has a job.
"I'm so happy for you I could punch a rainbow!" Raph continues.
"It's just a tiny basic cable show." April says trying to be humble about it.
"Not a tiny show." Dad growls. "It knocked Scorpion Treadmill out of its time slot!" Dad was still salty about that and probably would be till the end of his life
"Say~" Leo starts. "Why how'd ya like to sit in the front row Raph?"
Something was up....
"Ok!" Raph says as he head to the front.
April chuckles.
Yup something was definitely up.
Then a April's shows flashes on.
"Hey kids!" April comes on the tv. "It's time for the laughy fun time hour! WITH MRS. CUDDLES!!!" She shows a rabbit that had rainbow ears and a yellow bow.
Oh no...
Raph was terrified of Mrs. cuddles. He always has been since we were younger, I also thought the talking bunny was creepy but wasn't flat out terrified like Raph.
"Let's play together forever!" The bunny tilts its head in a creepy manner.
Raph starts to shake physically and starts to yell. He got up and hides behind
"Not Mrs. cuddles!!!" He hugs his knees.
Everyone laughs at his fear.
"Hey! You guys know I can't watch this!" Raph says afraid.
"Is my acting that bad?" April says clearly knowing that wasn't the problem.
"NONONO!" Raph yells. "It ain't you it's" Raph says trying not to hurt her feelings.
"Let's be friends forever!" Mr.s Cuddles says again.
Raph screech's again and tries to run away but ended up crashing into the wall.
Even dad laughs at him.
"Raph's fear-flops make me laugh every time!" Dad says looking at Raph with his chair lying back.
"You think am afraid of Mrs. Cuddles?!" Raph says trying to seem tough. "Am just upset about something!" He wasn't upset, "which I'll think of later!"
"You know it's ok to be scared." I say glaring at everyone.
"Yea be nice guys. Y know I think a sanwhich would make everything better Raph." And right on cue Mrs.Cuddle laughs again on the screen.
After a couple of seconds we hear screaming coming from the kitchen.
We all race there to see a huge mess of pots and pans. And a toy of Mrs. cuddles jumping out of the cupboard
Anthoer prank I suspect.
"I am loving this!" Leo says laughing at Raph
"The guys told me Mrs.Cuddle totally freaks you out!" April giggles. "So I brought her over for a fun prank!"
I don't think exploiting someone's fears was funny.
"No hard feelings ok big bro?" Donnie says as he grabs Mrs. Cuddles. "Let's be fiends fowervr!" He says in a high squeaky voice. He then laughs about it.

Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Discontinued but not completely dead!)
FanfictionBeing the second youngest is never easy. But when you and your brothers stumble across a hidden city things become a whole lot crazier. You start fighting bad guys every other night. Then to make matters worse secrets that involve your biological p...