Donnie's Gifts

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We were doing our nightly patrol when Raph found some silverfish bugs. He hopped down 2 of them but each time he did they just multiply by two. 

"Hey Raph?" Donnie said.  Entering in with his cool hover pack. "Whenever you smash them they just split two"

"I know isnt it cool?!" Raph said excitedly. 

"Think Raph think" Donnie said.

"Oh!" Raph realized." I guess that does double the problem. Which means DOUBLE THE SMASHING " Raph yelled as he just smashed the bugs into more smaller bugs. 

Then the silverfishes had enough and started attacking Raph.  Enter Y/N

"HEY GET OFF MY BROTHER"  yell as I started scaring the mutants off Raph. Great now the mutants were angry at me. They started attacking me I growl at them "HEY GET OFF Me!" I yell as I counite trying to smash them off with my hammer

"Don't worry Y/N!!!" I heard Mikey yell as he swung His yoyo at the silverfish. I sighed in relief.

"This situation calls for a dose of my pshyco acrobatics!" Mikey yelled spinning but then crashes into the fire escape and ending up in a dumpster  full of angry silverfish. They ended up beating him. He groans in pain ad they throw him out of the dumpster. But then gets tickled by the silverfish.

"Oh boy." Donnie said disappointedly as he facepalmed.

"I got you Mikey" Leo said cutting a fire hydrant. That ends up washing away the silverfish that were savagly tickling Mikey. Who had now stopped cuz he was wet. He back up in fera near me and Raph.

Leo got close to the silver fish.

"Looks like these fish are..." He chuckles. Oh no he's going to say it. He's going to say it "Wait for it your going to love this....All washed up" He said.

"Boo" Me,Mikey and Raph said. Doing the shooing  motion.

"You can do better!" I added.

"Okay,Okay,Okay. Now how about this: These bigs are so wet" Leo said trying to make a better punch line.

I noticed the fishes were recovering. It was like the bad puns were healing it.

"Leo!" I said but it was too late the silverfish were back for revenge and were attacking up form all sides. 

"Ugh this is getting old." Donnie said as he got out a tennis gun. He shot each one of the mutants as they ran off in retreat .

"Mission accomplished!" Mikey yelled.

"Donnie remind me to never let you handle real gun" I said rubbing my head. It was a little sore from getting hit with a tennis ball.

"Nice hustle, Donnie I knew we could with this as a team!" Raph said. 

"Actually it was pretty much just me but segue!" His vioce brightened up. "I think i have a little something to kick our skills into high gear!" 

Donnie presses a button on his arm thing. Then a drill comes up from undeer the grounds

"What the what?!"

"Jumping Jack Flash!"


"its beautiful!" Mikey slides on over and hugs the drill

"No" Donnie says. "no no. Not that"

"What do you mean not that?! That should totally be the thing" Leo said.

I myself was quite impressed with such a drill.

"No no no. That's just a little-- don't worry about it. Its still in beta" Donnie said "The real thing is much more personnel and thoughtful and I really hope you like it. Cause if you dont I will jsy be crushed!" Donnie emphasized the crushed part. 

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