Chapter Three: Don't Throw It Away

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Take pictures out of all the frames

Pack up your love with all your things

See if it helps, give it a week

I bet no one else gets you like me

'Cause I know you think you're better off

Without me now

Sayin' all you need is space

But baby, we can work this out


Colin is gone a lot, but he always makes time to chat with Penelope. Sometimes they have to go back to writing letters, depending on where he is, but it works for them. After graduating from uni, Colin went on a full-scale expedition. He spent six months going from tip to tip in Japan. He'd always wanted to go there. He journaled and documented every aspect of it. After Japan, he came home for about a week, got sick of his family, and left again. He wished he could have taken Penelope with him just so he could have some good company, but her school schedule just wouldn't allow it.

Colin doesn't come home again until it's time for Eloise and Penelope to graduate from university. Eloise is going to graduate school right away, but Penelope is taking some time off. She can't really afford grad school just yet anyways. She hasn't told Colin about any work plans for the summer, so he's planning to surprise her with a trip to America. He's been dying to go across the country and see the states, only this time around he wants someone to share it with. Three months would be the perfect amount of time for he and Penelope to hit all the major cities and explore. He can't wait to give her the plane ticket as her graduation gift.

Not to toot his own horn, but Colin thinks he's the greatest friend anyone could ever hope to have. He just knows Penelope will be thrilled. How he's managed to not spill the beans to her he'll never know, but he's proud of himself.

He's not sure when he wants to give his gift to her. He knows he wants to do it privately so they both can enjoy her reaction. Colin's not able to get home until the actual commencement ceremony. He's glad he was able to see Penelope, and his sister, walk across the stage to get their diplomas. After the ceremony, it feels like a sea of humanity. How people are supposed to find their loved ones is beyond him. Then he sees her. The red in her hair isn't quite as dark, like she's sprinkled some strawberry blonde highlights in. His best friend looks stunning.

"Colin!" He hears her voice, and he beams at her. Before she can get to him for a hug, her mother is pouncing on her and pinching her cheeks.

"My youngest daughter, a university graduate." Portia sobs.

"Careful, Mama, or someone might think you're actually proud of me." Penelope swats her mother's hands away.

"I am proud of you. Sure, both of your sisters met their loves during their years at university, but it's alright that you didn't. You're just a late bloomer."

Penelope rolls her eyes and brings her attention back to Colin who is now preoccupied with his family. She sighs heavily, then greets her sisters and their significant others. Philippa is now married, and Prudence is now engaged. It's insane. She looks off and smiles when she sees Anthony and Kate. Kate's belly is full and round. She's so happy they were able to make things work. Their wedding was one for the books. Lady W had a field day with it. Daphne is also pregnant again, but her bump is much smaller. She's so proud to be on Simon's arm, even if it means being a few hours away from her family. Love is wonderful, but it comes with sacrifices.

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