Chapter Seven: Love Her

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Drive me crazy, make me mental

No other buttons she can push

One second she's Miss Sentimental

Then she's afraid she's said too much

Opposites attract and we're the livin' proof of this

But I keep on comin' back like a magnet

'Cause when you love her

No matter the fight you know she's always right

And that's alright

And they say love can hurt

But seein' her smile can get you every time


Being home isn't something Colin loves. Sometimes he thinks he should just rent an apartment so he doesn't have to be around his giant family. He loves his siblings and his nieces and nephews, but it's a lot. Someone always wants his attention. Gregory is going on about graduate school, Hyacinth is complaining about nepotism babies getting jobs over her, Benedict and Sophie have another baby on the way, as do Daphne and Simon. Anthony had a vasectomy after his third was born. Kate couldn't handle being pregnant again, and Anthony respected her wishes.

Then there's Francesca. Colin never thought she'd get over John. They dated for a very long time, were basically engaged. They were living together, she had just found out she was pregnant (out of wedlock, yes), and then the worst possible thing happened; John died. He died in his sleep from a brain aneurism. Francesca woke up to a cold body. The stress of it caused her to miscarry. It was awful. She didn't date for a while, but she happened to be rather close with John's best friend and cousin, Michael.

Michael and Francesca didn't get together right away, though. In fact, their friendship became strained after John died. But after some time apart, the two came back to each other. Michael admitted that he had been in love with Francesca, but he never said anything out of respect for his cousin. Francesca eventually fell in love with Michael, and she feels they're more well-suited for each other. It was awkward at first when they told their families, but soon everyone else saw how well-suited they were.

And now, days before Christmas, the two are going strong. They didn't make announcements at the gala, but as Colin sits at the oversized dining room table with his entire family for breakfast, he knows an announcement is coming. Eloise comes to sit by Colin, which he's sort of grateful for.

"Where's Pen?" She asks as she takes a sip of orange juice.

"Home, why?"

"You two left together, I figured she'd be here for breakfast." His sister shrugs.

"She left earlier this morning. She has brunch plans with her own family."

"Ah." She nods and picks at her fingernails. "We don't have any events the next couple of nights. Why don't we all go out for dinner tonight?"

"Why would we do that?"

"Because...I'm seeing someone, and I want you both to get to know him."

"Him, huh?"

"Don't be annoying." She flicks his forehead, making him laugh. "Yes, I'm with a man. It doesn't make me any less of a bisexual."

"I never said it didn't."

"Good. So...tonight we can go out for dinner?"

"Wouldn't you rather go out with Daphne and Simon?"

"And listen to her complain about all the things she can't eat or drink because she's pregnant? I'm all set."

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