Auntie Liv

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there was always one person so dear to me, my Auntie Liv. she is my daddy k best friend, she is married to aunt Rachel (my bio mom)  and they have a son Liam he is like a littel brother to me. when i was falling apart auntie Liv was always there for me, she would stop with what she was doing and she would lisent to me. even if i was telling bad things about her bestfriend (daddy k) because we had a fight, she would grab my hand lisent to me and after give the best helping speech ever. she always meant so much to me i cannot believe she is here, and i need her most now i needed to talk to her because i am falling apart my ed is getting worse and the well you thing is not helping. i am so scared to go outside.

after the big solo Maddie kissed me and i still can't believe it, i was making myself ready in my room for dinner even tough i was not hungry at all and was scared to eat, i always need to look good so i decided to put on a dress dad made me. My mind was full of Maddie and the kiss i still can't believe it does she like me? i don't know anymore. sleeping had been abit difficult this past week because of the well you know, the man's face kept apearing in my dream. so my eyes were so tired i really wanned to sleep so badly.

''lizzy are you almost ready?'' Monica asked from of the other side of the door, i pulled her in our room. ''she kissed me!'' i said more confussed than ever and started walking around the room. ''who kissed y--wait m Maddie?'' Mon asked getting confussed too. ''yes yes she kissed me i  have so manny questions.'' i said growing more and more confussed every second. ''well and what happend after, are you two dating?'' she asked me and jummped around. ''well she ran away i don't know, and i growing so confussed, i don't know who i am Mon i only know i love Maddie the way i should love boys.'' i said worrying. Monica grabbed my hands. ''Elizabeth, liv, anderson, hummel so you don't know who you are lisent you ar sixteen you don't have to know yet you are still so young, first you need to survive all of this where you are going trough, and i know i will be by your side when you do all of that, we promised forever and that, this is for life you are my bestfriend and i will help you.'' she said. ''and she RAN AWAY?'' she asked with a loud voice. ''yes she did.'' i said. ''well we will talk about that later but we need to go now your dan is kind of stressed out so you know.'' Mon said with a giggel and gave me a big hug.

we walked downstairs and we greeted everyone. Liam and i did our paphetic handshake that we made we were littel kids.

''hey giggels how are you?'' Liam asked me. ''nugget  glad to see you too, i am great.'' i lied. Liam and i had these nicknames for eachother Giggels was for me and Nugget for him. we made all of this up when we were five and six. ''how are you?'' i asked him. '' i am great it's great to see you and to be here i missed you giggels.'''he said witch made me giggel. ''great to hear i missed you too nugget you missed alot.'' i said hugging him. ''well you can tell me everything because we are here for a week can you believe my moms let me ditch school for a whole week.'' he said with a laugh witch always made me smile. ''thats great liam.'' i said and sat on the tabel next to auntie Liv and Monica.

''heyy honey how are you?'' Auntie Liv asked. ''i am great how are you?'' i asked with a fake smile while i putted some food on my plate. ''i am great thanks for asking.'' she said allrready noteching something was wrong. ''how is school dear?'' Rachel asked me. '' it is great i think the glee club likes me and now Monica is here i don't feel so alone all the time.'' i said and gave her a smile. ''hey mom look i can do the high note from let it go.'' Bella said and sung it, she always used to call auntie rachel mom because she wanned her to have that part i didn't want her to be that part. ''goodjob thats my girl.'' auntie rach said to her. i stared at my plate i really couldn't eat i was not ready to eat. the food was laying there untouched. afcourse auntie Liv had noticed this allready. ''do you need some space?'' she wisperd to me, i nodded she took me away and we walked to the hallway.

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