daddy k

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when i met Kurt i never tought we would end up here but her we are married,parents and still in love. kurt is the love of my life and every mininute with him is the best in the world. 

''dad?!'' bella calls out from upstairs. ''yes honey whats wrong?'' kurt calls out from of the kitchen and walks to the stairs. ''i can't find my backpack and i need it!'' kurt giggels and looks at me forr a littel moment. ''youre just like youre dad always forgets where you leave youre stuff.'' kurt mumbeld just so i could hear it witch made a smile apear on my face. ''its hear honey.'' kurt said and bella runned downstairs. she jumped in kurt his arms who carried her to the living room. ''there it is princces.'' he said and putted her on the ground so shee could grab her backpack. ''you are the best dad.'' kurt smiled at her. ''i know.'' he laughed witch made me laugh to. ''do we need to bring you?'' she sighed. ''no i walk i am almost eleven this is lima not New York dad's.'' 

i chuckeld and shacked my head. ''well i have to go bye love you both.'' she kissed us goodbye and left. 

i could not help but laugh. ''thats youre kid.'' kurt said to me with a shocked face i laughed. ''suprise suprise its youre kid to.'' kurt laughed to. ''why does she grow up so fast?'' he said. '' thats a good question why do they both do.'' i said and walked closer to my husband. ''yes they do my sweet littel girls aren't littel anymore.'' he said and hugged me. '

''you look beautiful hon.'' i wisperd in his ear and i a smile apeard on his face. ''you don't look bad either.'' he joked back and kissed me. ''daddy k....grandpa need you for a miniunte and i need to go to school.'' kurt looked up. ''oh yes i will go have fun at school honey you can do it i believe in you everything is gonna be fine if you feel like you need to panick call us okay i love you.'' he kissed elizabeth on her cheeck. ''love you to dad.'' kurt walked upstairs. ''are you ready for school honey?'' i said to elizabeth who putted on her shoes. ''i am scared dad but i have some questions to ask to people at school and some anwsers to say back.'' she said with a nervous smile. ''i am proud of you.'' i smiled at her. ''thank you dad i love you. she kissed me goodbye and left i  was so proud and went upstairs to check on kurt. 

kurt was sitting on our bed. ''honey youre okay why did burt need you?'' he looked up. ''oh he wanned to go for dinner tonight at breadsticks i  said yes.'' i smiled at him. ''thats fun  but whats wrong?''  i asked noticing something was off. ''well i am scared afcoures i love my dad i can't lose him and it just looks like he is giving up allready.'' i looked att him and sat next to my husband i took his  hand and kissed it. ''why do you  think  that?" kurt layed his head on my shoulder and he sighed. ''because he said that maybe its time to go and maybe i don't wanna fight anymore." a tear fell from  his face Kurt loved his dad so much and he is super protective over his dad. ''well people come and go and youre dad is just tired right now but he will be okay and he is gonna fight with us he will get trough this and so do you.'' he smiled at me. ''you are amazing i am lucky realy lucky to have you Devon!''  kurt chuckeld. ''are we gonna use middel name's now elizabeth!'' i started tickeling kurt and he started laughing to till i stopped. ''i am lucky to you are an  amazing husband and an amazing father i love you so much with all my heart.'' i said and kurt blushed. ''now let me cheer up my husband to go shopping.'' at the word  shopping kurt smiled and got up. ''lets go!'' i giggeld. ''yes come on''


Kurt and i sat on the couch talking to burt when bella came home. ''dads my life is over!'' she said dramaticly. ''whats wrong honey ? come sit and tell calm whats wrong.'' kurt said calm. ''my teacher said i could not go to the higher acting  class at school.'' we putted Bella at a primary school with a lot of singing acting and dance so she would be happy to go to school but we din't expect this. ''baby you are just at school there for two days just its takes time and learning to get higher.'' kurt said to her while burt and i gave some looks  to eachother. ''but i am better then all the kids in class.'' bella said mad. ''bella thats not nice to say everyone is just as good and you need to work to get higher you need to deserve youre place now go and get ready for piano lessons'' kurt said,bella nodded and got to her room to get ready. ''thats what  happens if you ask rachel to be youre surrogate.'' Burt said witch i have to admit was verry funny. ''true but she is amazing she just needs to learn that this is not New York and that you know.'' Kurt said with a chuckel.

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