Chapter 9 Frank's Good times and Bad times

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It has been 4 days since Charlie apologized to his Uncle Frank and Aunt Sarah Marie, so Uncle Frank thinks of an idea to help his teenage nephew with anger issues and to show him an effective way to help Charlie on what hobby he can do to calm him down when he feels angry and wants to lash out on others, Frank calls Charlie outside, Yes Uncle Frank? Responded Charlie. I have 2 sets of Bows and Arrows stated Frank. What must i do with a bow and arrow, requested Charlie. Look Charlie, replied Frank. From 4 days ago I know you often get angry, and I see that your still angry, angry with the world, angry with the king and his stupid laws he's making up, your not the only Charlie, I also get angry but I never lash out, so do you want to know what I like to do when I am angry? What do you like to do when your angry, Uncle Frank? Uncle Frank loads the bow with the arrow, aims it at the apple tree and releases the arrow to its target. I do some archery. Replied Frank. Frank bonds with Charlie on Frank's day off at the Dairy Store and teaches him archery skills with the bow and arrow, every minute to every hour Charlie is enjoying his new hobby and he starts loving archery. Bullseye!! Shouted Charlie, Frank even teaches Charlie to throw an apple in the air, and shoot the target with the apple, at first Charlie struggled because he had to be quick so Uncle Frank throws the arrow for Charlie and Charlie hits the target with an apple on the tip of the arrow, he even tells Charlie that archery is not a right, it's a privilege, and that you don't shoot arrows at people nor animals, only trees or objects and even makes entry level targets for Charlie to shoot arrows at. Next month was Charlie's Sweet 16 or 16th birthday, they wished him a happy birthday and Frank gave Charlie a present wrapped in handmade paper, Charlie opens the present and he got his first Archery set from the Kingsmen store down the road, it required his first bow with 10 arrows, Frank warns Charlie to use his arrows wisely because arrows are expensive and cost Canadian $4.00 for 1 arrow, and also not to worry because the moment he runs out of arrows, he'll give him $8.00 for 2 packs of 10 arrows and if he wants more arrows he has to work hard for them because money does not fall out of the sky. The whole family including Ben and his girlfriend Julia celebrate Charlie's birthday, and the moment they have cake, an owl flies through the window with a letter and it said on the envelope it was requested to Frank Alan Simpson, Luke gently takes the envelope from the owl. It's for you Uncle Frank. Stated Luke, Frank opens the envelope, reads the letter and walks away sad, Benjamin doesn't like seeing Frank sad as it is his adopted father and to him, he's considered family, so in the lounge area, Ben witnesses Frank crying, What's wrong Frank? Asked Ben, Frank doesn't reply, Dad what's wrong? Frank's tears start to dry because he's stunned that for the first time Benjamin has called him Dad and Frank said. Benjamin my boy, I have a secret that neither you or your adopted cousins know, Uncle Jerry knows he has two sons, your other adopted cousins Gary and Clive, who are married and have 2 toddlers each, Aunt Anita knows, and Aunt Sarah Marie knows and that is my daughter is coming over. I didn't know you had a daughter. Replied Benjamin, is it also Aunt Sarah Marie's child? Asked Benjamin, you see that is my secret that I want to share with you and the boys since your older and you both been through alot, and that is I have a daughter just not Aunt Sarah Marie's child, and she's your half adopted sister, Benjamin, you see my boy, I was married to someone else before I was married to Sarah Marie, Melody is my daughter, who I haven't seen for 15 and a half years, and I was married to someone named Cordelia before I was married to Sarah Marie. The reason why Cordelia and I got a divorce was because she wouldn't stop gambling and doing drugs and I pleaded with her to stop, and because of my ex-wife's reckless behavior, Melody had a rough childhood, Melody was 11 years old the last time I saw her, she is 26 years old now and her mother has gone more haywire so she does not want to live with her mom anymore, she wants to live here with me on the farm, because she can't take her mother's behavior anymore, I can even give you the letter. We also got divorced because I caught her cheating on me with a bartender so I filed for the divorce, it was final and here is the letter my boy. Ben reads the letter and it says.
Dear Daddy
This is Melody writing, your daughter, I'm writing this letter to you  because I can't take this anymore, Mom has just gotten worse throughout growing up, I have just completed college and Mom wants me to live in King Ernesto's palace in Alberton, and I don't want to live with him, because he is a heartless warthog who makes dumb laws in Alberton, we even had a verbal disagreement that I refuse to live with the King so I ran away from home at midnight, I atleast had $600.00 in my savings cheque so I went to a lawfirm in St John's which is close to where I don't want to live anymore, and got my transportation documents, I have already packed up and I'm on my way to your farm in Vancouver because I don't want to live with Mom in St John's anymore, I don't care if it's not a city, I don't care living a farm life, I just want to be with you, you are my last hope Dad, I'll be there tonight, love your daughter
Melody Rose Simpson.

Wow. Stated Ben, so you see my son, you have an adopted half sister, my daughter who I have not seen in like forever, so do you mind lending your sister your room, do you mind sleeping somewhere else, Ben says he's going away for Term 2 at All4Men tomorrow afternoon so he does not mind sleeping with Julia in her shed even if it's for one night, At first Frank said no, then Sarah Marie came and said, he's a big boy now Frank, he can make his own decisions, Frank apologized as he forgot and gave Ben permission to sleep with Julia in her shed for one night and then tomorrow afternoon he departs from Vancouver to Edmonton for his 2nd term at All4Men Knights Academy. One evening there is a knock on the door, Melody makes her appearance and because Frank was so happy to finally see his daughter that he hasn't seen for a very long time, she was a child when he lost child custody to his physopathic ex-wife, he wounds up in tears and he hugs her. He also didn't know that Melody was crying, she tells him, oh Dad, I have missed you very much, I love you and your my last hope. I just don't want to live with her anymore, she is just a horrible inconsiderate self-centured bitch and I can't stand her at all, your all I have. Hey hey. Whispered Frank while comforting his daughter, I thought I would never see you again, but just remember, you are still my daughter, you are still family to me and I'll never desert you, I will never leave you, you can live on this farm, work for Uncle Jerry and I on the farm until you get on your feet and you can live wherever you want, come inside my sweetheart, it's very chilly outside. Frank takes Melody inside the house and he makes her a cup of tea and wipes her tears away. I'm sorry my girl, stated Frank, you deserve more, so you are more than welcome to stay here on this farm, until you learn to spread your wings. No matter where you choose to live, you'll always be Daddys little girl and daddy loves you more than the moon and the stars. Thanks Pappa. Replied Melody. I love you too, I don't care whether this house is nice or not, all I want is you, I really missed you with my whole heart Dad.

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