Upom a reincarnation

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~Author's Note~

You probably know by now who the 'mystery' POV is so I think I can just use their actual name now lol.

Enjoy :)

Jared POV:

My back scraped against the tiny stones in the ground as I attempt to stand. However, I keep fucking falling just like how my life is fucking falling apart.

I guess I fucking deserved this. I was a shit husband and a shit horse. I guess something like this was just bound to happen. I guess I just never thought I would end up half dead in a hole but I guess life surprises you.

I don't know how I'm still here. I should be in the dark pits of hell, rotting, yet I'm still alive. Did I get another chance? Was I saved by the gods above?

Probably not.

It was probably just coincidence that I am still here. That I still can live another day. I shouldn't probably spend it plotting to manipulate my wife into loving me again only to kill her and her friend, but I honestly don't care what the world thinks of me anymore.

I'm sick of putting this 'act' on in front of everyone. I'm sick of covering up secrets. I'm just sick of it all. I wish I never met Claudia, then none of this would've fucking happened. I guess I can' really blame the universe though.

I'm the fuck up.

I'm the bad guy.

My whole life has just been a disaster waiting to fucking happen and I've been the cause of it all. I guess it was a matter of time before the universe said fuck this guy and attempted to kill me off.

FUCKING FINALLY. I made it out of that damn hole. Those bitches really thought they could get away with this.


Maybe they're the bad guys.
Maybe they're the fuck ups.

I mean they did just tried to fucking kill me and bury me in some random hole. Gosh, if Claudia was ever gonna help bury me I would at least expect some decency from her, but a random  hole covered by some twigs in the middle of nowhere?

Wow, I guess that just paints a very clear picture of what she thinks of me.
Fuck that bitch.

This is why I want to kill her. She never did anything for me. Sure, you could say the same about me, but at least I PRETENDED to do nice stuff for her, she didn't even have the courtesy to pretend.

She spent all her fucking time in that dumb forest, on that walk to the bea-

That's when it hits me.

Holy Shit.

We aren't in the middle of nowhere.

We're in THAT forest.

The one that we used to go to.
The long walks to the beach.
The annoying wind always blowing in my face.
It made me mad.
But she was still happy to be there.

Even if I was a dick.

I crane my neck to look up and discover the familiar oak trees that we kissed under. Those were the only times where we felt real feelings toward each other. The times that weren't fake or staged.

I smile before remembering that this is the woman I need to kill. The woman I hate.

And also the woman who would make me rich as fuck.

I smirk to myself, as I prop myself up to stand. I don't know if I'm ready yet but I do it anyway. I slowly roll my body up to stand on all four hooves, feeling disoriented and in a daze.

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