Chapter 11

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Rain whipped across Nong's face as she tried to reach for Ru Feng.

They were surrounded by four men with terrible grimaces plastered on their faces. All of them had wicked, curved blades by their sides. Were these bandits...or worse...rebels? Nong shuddered. This couldn't be it.

One of the men was struggling to tie a cloth around Ru Feng's mouth. Ru Feng slipped from his grasp and kicked him right in the groin.

"Why you!" The man growled furiously and landed a crackling punch right across Ru Feng's face knocking him backwards. Nong felt her heart leap out of her chest.

"Stop it!" She cried.

A second man laughed and walked over to help finish the job. He kicked Ru Feng hard on his side, bent down to pick up the cloth, and roughly knotted it around Ru Feng's jaw. Ru Feng curled on the ground silently. Blood on his nose.

"Prince Edan," The second man sneered. "Your presence has been requested,"

He slid a hood over Ru Feng's head and then another over Nong's.


When Nong came to, she saw that they were in an open room overlooking the mountains. It was a spacious area and lightly decorated with bonsai trees and simple furniture. A lone man stood at the balcony with his back towards them.

The rain had stopped for the moment and the mist swirled mysteriously around the peaks. The tops of the trees rustled but could barely be seen. Wherever they were - they were up high.

But she sighed in relief as she saw Ru Feng beside her. He was just coming to and winced at his bruises.

"Are you ok?" Nong asked gently.

He grimaced but nodded. His attention went to the terrace in front of them.

The man had turned around at hearing Nong's voice. He was dark skinned with cropped grey hair. He wore a navy slim fitted robe – northern colors with a curved blade attached to his belt. A scar was upon his cheek barely touching his left eye. And his mouth lifted into a hateful smirk.

"Prince Edan," He said. His hand touched the hilt of his sword. "It's been a while,"

"General...Rangshi," Ru Feng grunted. "You're still alive,"

The man laughed cruelly. "Are you so surprised?" He walked over to Ru Feng. "I suppose you thought me dead on the battle field two years ago. You did do a number on me," His fingers brushed his scar.

"What a relief," Ru Feng glared back. "And what do you want now? To kill me?"

General Rangshi stepped back and stretched out his arms, "Do you know this place Prince Edan?"

Nong observed the plain room. There was nothing of significance...wait...there. An altar. Her heart thumped.

"Majestically built into the side of our proud northern mountains hundreds of years ago. This is the very Bird Witch Temple!"

Ru Feng frowned. "That's great. We were just planning on a visit,"

The general regarded Ru Feng silently. His eyes gleaming with heinous plans. Nong couldn't imagine what it was like for Prince Edan to go up against this man. All because of her vision which had made the King send Prince Edan here for two years. She felt sick. But...why were they brought here of all places?

"Let me ask you," General Rangshi sneered, "Are you familiar with your treacherous Lotus history? Do you know the story of how your ancestors killed a god and birthed a beast?"

Ru Feng's eyes darkened.

"The monster is said to lie in the ruins of your abandoned castle awaiting the day it can exact revenge. The time will be near when three warning signs appear..."

"You've been reading too many tales, General," Ru Feng glared. "Or you forgot your brains from the graveyard,"

The general snickered, "I'm as much of a skeptic as you are your highness. But you can't blame me for being too tempted by the gifts before me,"

He leaned down to Ru Feng and grabbed his neck. His fingers dug into Ru Feng's skin. With Ru Feng's arms still tied to his back all he could do was struggle to keep upright. The general continued, "The Prince's head and a trigger to wake the beast!"

"You would risk war with the Lotus Kingdom!" Nong cried. "The beast will end everyone – no matter which kingdoms we're from!"

General Rangshi tossed Ru Feng back. He smiled at them, "You see – that's where you're wrong!" He walked over to the altar with a crazed look in his eyes. "For the very person who saved me from the brink of death on that battlefield...She has found a way to control the beast with a spell!"

"That's impossible! No one can use magic except..." Nong stuttered.

"The last Bird Witch," General Rangshi finished smugly.

Time seemed to stop as Nong tried to read Ru Feng's expression. There was no way there was another witch out there...was there? Could there be? One who actually knew how to use magic. She shook the thought from her head. Ru Feng's eyes were devoid of all emotion and it broke her. She felt completely hopeless...and yet...she needed him to look at her. She needed to tell him that she would try. She wouldn't give up.

"Ru..." She whispered. Her heart wrenching at the situation. But he wouldn't look at her. His glamour even seemed to dull.

General Rangshi puffed his chest victoriously. "Enough story time. Take this wench to the crypt. And prepare the prince for the witch," He waved his hand and two henchmen entered the room tearing Nong and Ru Feng apart.

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