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Conner LestradeHoneypie - JAWNY

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Conner Lestrade
Honeypie - JAWNY


I walk into the flat and jump onto the couch and begin ti text luna and luke to see if they're alright. While i do that john enters the flat and taps me softly on to back and hold out a piece of paper.

"whats this?" i ask, taking i from him.

"oh, i think you know" he says walking towards his chair. I open up the small sheet of paper and a sequence of numbers are scribbled onto the paper, a phone number signed

- conner

I catch my-self grinning and fold the paper up and walk into my room closing the door behind me. I get dressed into my pyjamas and immediately pass out in my bed.


I sit up in my bed and hear two more gun shots. I jump out of my bed and unplug my lamp and creep into the living room as another shot is fired the I hear someone shout.


I swing the lamp until I notice it was John and it was Sherlock that had fired the gun.

"Bored" Sherlock sulked


"BORED!" he repeated and jumps up from his chair pointing the gun at the wall. Me and John quickly cover our ears.

"SHERLOCK, STOP!" I shout as he begins to fire at the smiley face that has been painted onto the wall.

"Bored! Bored!"  Sherlock brings the gun back down and John snatches it of him and takes the clip out.

"Don't know what's got into the the criminal classes. Good job I'm not one of them"

"So you take it out on the wall?" I ask

"Ah, the wall had it coming" Sherlock then proceeds to plop himself onto the couch dramatically.

"What about the Russian case?"

"Belarus. Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time" he says as I walk over to the kitchen.

"Ah, shame" John says sarcastically

"Is there anything in? I'm starving!" I ask as I open the fridge "AH! HOLY SHIT!" I shout, slamming the door shut.

"What?" John asks opening the fridge "OH, F-" he looked tiredly at the floor

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