About a Girl

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The day is cool. Not too warm nor cold. Last night, Jay didn't have his nightmare for the first time in weeks. Jay thinks to himself how odd it was, given that this doesn't happen...ever. He goes down to the CIC to check to see if there's anything amiss. This is the normal for Jay. It's been like this for most of his life.
Aventus looks up and then walks up to Jay with a surprise look on his face. It was interesting, always seeing that look on his face. It always meant that something going to be entertaining 9/10 times.

Unfortunately, Jay had forgot what day it was today. He would have seen this coming had it not been for the reprieve from his otherwise ongoing nightmares.

"You seem like you're uncharacteristically 'chipper' as you humans say. Given the day. I thought that you'd be a little more..." Aventus said, trailing off as to suggest some underlying questions and/or issues.

"Given what day?" Jay said.

Aventus just stared at Jay like it was something of a sick joke of his', but it became quite obvious quickly that it wasn't.

At this time, Ruyak walks up to the duo. Jay notes that he too, was expecting a different response of Jay when he finally spoke to Jay.

"I don't s'pose you forgot how important this day is today." Ruyak said, further confusing Jay.

"Guys, are you pulling my leg here?" Jay said with an uneasy smile.

"You forgot..." Aventus said, again trailing off.

"Forgot what?!" Jay said, now getting irritated.

"Today was the day that Leya died..." Aventus said with a voice that sounded like it was breaking with every word.

An eerie kind of silence fell upon the entire room. As everyone looked at Jay, all he did was shrug it off a bit and tell everyone to continue their work. When the sound returned to the room, Jay walked off. He couldn't fight these incoming tears. Yet, he couldn't let anyone see him begin to break down. Before retreating to the Captain's Lounge, he spoke to the ship's AI, saying only one thing.

"Take us to Earth." Jay said with a low voice that almost sound like a growl.

"Acknowledged." The ships AI responded.

With that, he continued to the one place that he knew that he could drink and not cry in peace.


After the Thermopylae comes into port and the crew that run it take their leave, the only three that remain are Aventus, Ruyak, and Jay. They too leave the ship and make their way to Portland, Oregon. Somewhere in one of the old neighborhoods, the final resting places of many natives and locals are located. Although it's slightly out of place for an Asari to be buried, this is where Leya T'sori's final resting place is located.

Having been the place that she had been living when the Reaper War began, and where her first bond was buried with their little blue child. She had always made it back to them whenever she could make it. She hadn't been there when the Reaper ended. She had been on the Citadel for the final couple of weeks before Shepard did away with the Reapers. She had actually been trying to get back her family when Serena and little Jay was trying to leave too.

In fact, it was her that spoke to Jay first. It was an interesting turn of events when they had linked up later on, shortly before Jay was dishonorably discharged from the Alliance. She was one of his first crew members, and eventually, his first love. It wasn't anything planned, but the more that got to know her, and she got to know him, it was almost like it was meant to be in all of the craziness of the galaxy. They knew that it was something that was desired on both sides and so they started to see each other.

A Mass Effect Adventure: The Story of Captain Jay C.Where stories live. Discover now