Episode 26: First Day

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Izuku's narration

The acceptance rate this year was surprisingly higher then it usually has been.

Six people got in because of recommendations, one of which Superman recommended.

And 46 through the regular exams.

We were split into two classes, one had 26 students and the other had 20.

J'onn told me that our head teacher will be the underground hero: Eraserhead. And warned me that he's somewhat questionable, even telling me that he expelled an entire class and then brought them all back, just to teach them lesson.

Somewhat extreme, but nothing I can't handle.
Izuku was running through the hallway, looking for the class numbered 1A, finding a giant door with a sign that says 1-A

"Man, this thin is huge." Izuku said to himself. "Are there giants here?"

He looks up and says. "The most promising students in the country are waiting behind this door."

He thinks back at remembers Bakugou and the student with glasses and shivered at the thought of seeing those two again. "Maybe we're in different classes. Maybe everyone in here is nice."

Unfortunately, he was wrong.

"Take your feet off of the desk now!" The boy with glasses ordered Bakugou and Gar. "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretins!"

"You're kidding me, right?" Bakugou smugly says. "Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?"

"Let's start over." The boy with the glasses says, trying to reintroduce himself. "I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

"Somei, huh?" Bakugou smirks at him. "So you must think you're better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one."

"You would threaten me? Your own classmate?" Tenya responds in shock. "Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Gar stepped in. Dude, do you really have to threaten anybody who judges you?"

"Shut up, gremlin!" Katsuki tells Gar.

"Okay, no need to insult my skin colour, racist." Gar whispers.

The others decided not to involved with the bickering.

La'gaan, Jamie, Isaiah and Al were just watching the madness take fold.

Raven was reading a book.

Jinx was on a phone, which she probably stole from a shop without buying.

Maxine was talking with the other girls.

Derek was playing on a game console he brought in.

And Grant was sleeping with his head on the desk.

As Izuku looked at everyone else, a girl with brown hair wrapped in a pony tail winked at him. "Who's that? Is she Superman's recommendation?"

Tenya then sees Izuku at the door. "It's him."

"Uh, hi." Izuku greets awkwardly as the rest of the class looked at him.

"Good morning!" Iida greets Izuku as he walks over to him and introduces himself. "My name is Tenya Iia fro—"

"Yeah, I know." Izuku said. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's super nice to meet you."

"Midoriya. You realised you that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?" Ida asked him, impressed by how he destroyed the robot. "You must be very perceptive. And I completely misjudged you, I admit. As a student, you're far superior to me."

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