Episode 15: Legends Part I

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It was another night for the Justice League in Metrpolis as the eponymous team were battling a colossal robot in the city's streets.

Green Lantern was knocked down by the robot and it was about to crush him with it's fist, but Hawkgirl hits the robot's arm with her mace, shifting the impact to the pavement and missing Green Lantern

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Green Lantern was knocked down by the robot and it was about to crush him with it's fist, but Hawkgirl hits the robot's arm with her mace, shifting the impact to the pavement and missing Green Lantern.

Superman, All Might and Martian Manhunter arrive and ram into the robot's chest, sending it back a few steps.

Flash runs around the robot and took apart one of it's feet, taking out the screws and panels with no difficulty.

Cow lady charges at the other leg.

Elecplant and Big Red Dot run on a rooftop and shoot lighting and water at the robot, distracting it enough for Skycrawler to drop Xylo right above the robot and slice one of its eyes.

"Who could be behind a monstrosity like that?" Hawkgirl asks after laying a few hits and avoiding fire from the robot's mouth.

What none of them know was that robot was being piloted by Lex Luthor out on the harbour far from the battle.

Hawkgirl and Takahiro try to attack it again, but gets punched by the robot and crashes into J'onn, all three of them crash into a building before landing next to Green Lantern.

Midoriya throws batarangs at the robot drawing its attention, the robot walks over to him and then Godzillo attacks from the back.

Superman flies behind it and tears open a hole in it, exposing it's core. "You're only getting one shot in, Batman now!"

Batman throws a batarang into the hole, striking the core and setting off an explosion within the robot.

Energy started flying out from the robot's body and Luthor's control room and launches him out of his boat and into the ocean.

"Good lord!" Superman says right before getting hit into a rooftop with a wave of energy.

Flash and Godzillo saw the robot about to fall on the others, Flash quickly ran over to them and creates a tornado under the robot and Godzillo grabs the robot to stop it falling on top them.

The energies light from the robot brightens as Superman shields his eyes from the it, but it quickly died down for him to see the aftermath.

The robot had disappeared leaving a large crater burned from the explosion and a few buildings....as well as the others.
Later with the others...

The heroes wake up in the remains of the Lexbot and look around.

Flash asked as he rubbed his head. "Did we win?"

"I'm not sure." Green Lantern answered, seeing as they were in a back alley with the robot instead of the streets. "Superman? Batman? All Might?"

"Where did they go?" Hawkgirl asks, not seeing the three.

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