Chapter 6: A Calm Talk Part 2:

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Earth Orbit
2 hours after the invasion

"5.390 million people dead, millions in public destruction, and world-wide panic and hysteria." Batman finishes his report as the members of the Justice League are sitting at their table discussing the aftermath of Darkseid. He then shifts his eyes towards Dante, who is happily enjoying a strawberry sundae.

"Yeah, that sucks" Dante shrugs while eating.

"Dick I-." Batman tries to say something but is interrupted as the cup Dante was holding breaks with his strength.

"DO NOT CALL ME THAT!" Dante speaks in a demonic and deep voice, making the heroes tense and expecting combat.

"That's not my name." Dante said, after taking a breath and holding his anger, that seeing the man that he once thought of as a father trying to talk to him, he may not be Dick Grayson anymore, but Dick is part of him, and Batman has hurt him in an unbelivable way.

"Can't we just skip to what really matters here?" Dante asks them, making Superman nod.

"What's happened to you?"" Superman asks Camly, trying to understand how Dick got such powers.

Dante sees that everybody in the Justice League is listening; Batman, who is the most interested, tries to hide it but is falling, and even the two magicians who are hiding in an invisibility spell are interesting.

"Ok, starting off, I am a Nephilm, scratch that I am more precisely a an Arch-Nephalem; I am half demon and half angel." Dante speaks to them like he is talking about the weather, shocking them, especially the ones who are Christians.

"My father is the legendary Dark Knight Sparda, who was an arch-demon, and my mother is Eva, was the Archangel of Mercy." Dante repeats what he already said with a bored look on his face and voice, ignoring the pained look Batman is sending to him as he calls another man father.

"Now many of you are thinking, 'Why didn't you see your powers before?' The answer to that is simple: they were bound, and because of that, I was nothing more than a human." Dante informs them that every hero is captured in his tale and is waiting for him to continue.

"Then how did you awaken your powers?" Wonder Woman asks curiously and cautiliously; she has experience dealing with magical and godly beings, and this man right over there dwarfs the power of her father Zeus, so she is a bit on edge.

Hearing her questions, Dante gave her a bit of a forced smile.

"Oh well, Batman over there slept with my girlfriend and impreganted her too." Dante said this while jerking his thumb in the direction of his ex-father.

Every single one of the leaguers had to do a double-take; they couldn't believe it. Some already knew this, but others who didn't know what the Batman has done was starting to connect the dots.

"And after I discovered that, my rage and sadness exploded, breaking my father's bindings and releasing my power." Dante ends his tale, making everybody shudder a little.

"So now you can ask your questions or whatever." Dante says he's not caring at all, summoning another strawberry sundae.

The leaguers have a sweat drop at this but steadie themselves.

"What are your intentions now?"" Superman asks warily.

"Go home and sleep," Dante says, shrugging.

Batman gets up from his seat, walks up to Dante, and stops right in front of him.

"Why did you break the code?" Batman asks, his voice pained and full of sorrow.

"huh." Dante is confused at what the man with breath-taking mommy and daddy issues is asking.

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