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"I'm used to it" is the saddest thing you can hear someone say.

"Where the HELL have you been," asked the man who I call my father, furiously the second I entered the house.

"I-I'm so-sorry father", I said knowing and fearing what is going to happen to me. "I had to w-walk in the r-rain and I slipped so I g-got late " I stutter partially because of terror and partially because of the cold.

"Do you have ANY idea what time it is?" He asked knocking down the chair he was sitting on. I flinched from the sound. He stood in front of me and I could see the anger in him, making me tremble.

"I-I'm l-late, I'm sorry father", by this time I had started crying because I knew what was going to happen.

"I have told you before not to call me your FATHER!" and he slapped me hard. My face went to the side with its impact. I started sobbing because I couldn't deal with the pain.

"so-sorry" I whispered, but I doubt he heard me as he was busy planning on how to inflict pain on me. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me to the living room. He pushed me on the floor with so much force that I was sure it would leave a bruise tomorrow. I backed away from him as far as I could until I hit the wall. He walked towards me slowly, grinning like he just found his entertainment of the day.

He took out his belt from his pants. My eyes widened. "No pl-please don't," I said but he either didn't hear me or chose to ignore it. Well, this is going to hurt. He slapped me with the belt mercilessly. Every time I'd try to get away from him, he would drag me back by my feet.

Every hit was worse than the previous one. He used all the strength he had on each and every hit and didn't even let me breathe in between. He was so blind on hurting me that he didn't realize the blood spots on my clothes.

After assaulting me some more he finally stopped. I was panting heavily and it hurt to even breathe. When I was about to say something, he gripped my hair and pulled it down bringing my face just inches away from his. "You will do as I say, understood?" he commanded.

I could only nod as I had lost the will to fight back. He took my hand and roughly pulled me to the nearby sofa and made me sit on his lap. Holding my hands behind my back he started sloppily kissing along my neck up to my jaw. I shuddered in disgust and in return got slapped on my butt. I tried to wiggle out of his hold, but it was of no use. He had an iron hold.

Holding me down with one hand he ripped my shirt into pieces with his free hand and began touching me. I felt violated and exposed even though I was wearing a bra underneath. I was disgusted with myself to let this happen. But I couldn't do anything but wait for it to end.

When he got bored with me he pushed me from his lap to the ground with so much force that my head hit the floor. I yelped and could feel the warm liquid sliding down my face. I held my head with both hands and added pressure trying to minimize the pain, but it did no help and the next moment I was on my feet being dragged by him from the living room up the stairs to his room to punish me more for my tardiness. I cried out in pain and began to feel lightheaded and see black spots in my vision. I knew that I was getting unconscious and I was happy cause I wouldn't feel the pain anymore.

"YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT" and I blacked out after hearing that.


I groaned as I woke up the next morning by the sound of the alarm clock. My body was aching and even small movements caused immense pain. I looked around me and noticed that I was on the floor in my room. My father must have dragged me here after I fainted.

Once a Bad Boy, Always a Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now