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Hello everyone. So this is the third chapter. I just wanted to inform you that the places stated in this chapter are all based on my imagination. Nothing from reality.

Anyways, enjoy.

Sometimes the first step towards forgiveness is realizing the other person was born an idiot.


Sitting at home on a Friday night doing homework is an absolute no-no for teenagers. But for me it is the most peaceful time I can get to relax and focus on schoolwork without getting interrupted by my father.

Ash and Camellia have gone to the party along with John. They tried to persuade me to come with them at school, but when they noticed that I was hell bent on NOT going, they reluctantly decided to leave me at peace for once.

I would be home late today because Ash made me sit through the football tryouts after school, which let me tell you were very boring. At least my father was not going to be home today seeing it was Friday, and he always went out at the start of the weekend. Once I reached home from school, I headed towards my room.

Having a ton of pending homework from the previous week I decided to finish it as quickly as I can. I started with math because apparently it is THE most interesting subject where I was not required to mug up theories.

Halfway through my English essay, I began feeling hungry but pushed the feeling aside choosing to go downstairs after finishing all of my work. The teacher had appointed us to write an essay on The Hamlet and I was required to be extra creative as I was the school nerd and I had to maintain my reputation, after all.

After three hours of being locked up in my room finishing all the work I finally closed all my books and stretched on my computer chair trying to ease the pain in my sore muscles. Getting up I headed to my bed and laid down with a thump.

Closing my eyes I relished in the peacefulness. It was rare for this house to be so quite when you have a drunken father and a loud obnoxious brother. On the weekends both of them stayed out, probably in the bar getting wasted.

A sigh escaped my lips when I realized what a mess my life has become since That Night. Before that my life was perfect. I had a loving family, caring friends with no responsibility on my shoulders; all in all I had a carefree life. Now it is like a puzzle with all its pieces jumbled up.

Pushing these thoughts away I got up and headed downstairs. Entering the kitchen I walked straight to the fridge ignoring the mess and deciding to clean it later. I took out a coke can and opened it. While drinking, I leaned against the counter staring blankly at the wall. My life has become so boring. My father will not be home till late night so I decided to go outside for a walk. It was only 8 o'clock after all.

Walking upstairs, I entered my room and went straight to my closet. I took out loose jeans, a sweatshirt and my sneakers, and then quickly got dressed. Throwing my hair in a messy bun, I grabbed my phone, earplugs and purse and went out the house.

It was dark outside. I pulled my overcoat closer to my body feeling the shivers run up my spine due to the cold. Looking both sides I noticed very few people lingering outside. I pulled out my earplugs and started listening to songs since its very awkward walking alone while everybody stares you.

Deciding to go right I start heading down the road with my mind lost in thoughts. The night air passed by my face calming my nerves. I don't know what it is about this time of the day but as much as I enjoy going out at night, I also fear for what's lurking behind the shadows. I don't know. It just gives me the creep.

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