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Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.

Walking home with Blake Adams was.....well different. Being in close proximity with the opposite gender was making my heart race and hands clammy. Mentally cursing myself for behaving like a hormonal teenager-although I am one- I tried to coax myself to divert my attention from the infamous entity beside me.

Lost in thought, I didn't notice that Blake was walking way ahead of me. I sped up and tried to catch up, I really did, but whenever I reached him and resumed to walk normally, he would fasten his stride. Finding his behaviour strange, I once again sped up to match his speed. Every time I found myself beside him and relaxed a bit, he would start walking speedily again. This time when I reached him with the purpose of asking his intention, I saw that his mouth was twitching a bit upwards and immediately understood that he was doing all this just to rile me up.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

Upon hearing my voice, he faced me and I noticed there was no trace of humour on his face. He was completely serious.

"What?" he said monotonously.

This irked me to no end. It absolutely irritates me when one pretends to act innocent when they're probably the most mischievous person present at that time.

Sighing, I shook my head and decided to just ignore his presence all together.

Looking at my wrist watch, I noticed that it was already half past eleven. Oh god! If father reached home before me, then I would surely get a beating. But I have prepared dinner so he'll probably not notice my absence, but if he did then I'll be in great trouble. Mentally cringing with these thoughts, I decide to not think at all.

From the corner of my eye, I noted that Blake was now walking beside me with a small scowl on his face. Probably cursing himself for offering to walk home with me.

When we turned to our street, I stopped. When he saw that I'm not walking with him anymore he too stopped and turned to look at me.

"What happened?" he asked while raising an eyebrow.

"I um...I can go from here. T-thanks for walking me home though. It's really nice of you. I mean, nowadays who has the courtesy to walk a girl home. I remember one time I....Why am I telling you this? I'm rambling. I'm s-sorry."

I rambled. I don't know why I did that. It's just when he looks at me with those dark eyes I feel as if he knows all my deepest and darkest secrets. I get confused and when I'm confused I start to ramble. It's a bad habit of mine, which I'm trying to get rid of.

Blake looked at me sceptically, but then just nodded and started to walk the other direction. Well isn't he such a gentlemen. Leaving a girl in the middle of the road without so much as a goodbye.

"Bye to you too" I muttered and started my way back to the house.

Here I come. I thought bitterly. If my father's home, I'm sure he'll not like to see me.


"Where are you coming from at this odd hour?" asked the voice I dreaded the most.

"I just went out for a w-walk" I replied back.

"At eleven thirty?" he asked while looking down at his watch.

I didn't reply-more like couldn't- and this seemed to anger him even more as his scowl deepened.

Once a Bad Boy, Always a Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now