- eleven -

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It was one in the morning and I was searching the internet for any available literature on Japanese Hero Ethics. July and I had just 2 days to prepare for our supplemental course. The anxiety building in my lungs and stomach was due to the additional responsibilities we had to maintain while still passing this course.

Our ability to continue this mission in Japan was contingent upon us passing. Yet, we were still expected to mentor, complete rounds for UA's security, and patrol the city... while still making headway on the League of Villains mission... and apparently a side mission involving Aizawa and I. There were so many pots that I had my hand in, the majority of my anxiety was focused on the fear of failure.

July was not a good test taker. I was. However, I had a laughable amount of information regarding Japanese Hero Ethics to study. I could not help July without understanding something myself first. We were both doomed unless I found something now. And let's face it, America was not the star child to be followed in regards to ethics.

I groaned and slammed my laptop shut. There was only one option I could think of that might be a valuable resource. I threw on a hoodie over my tank top and shorts combo, before grabbing my UA faculty badge and my cell phone. As I was locking the door to my quarters, the elevator dinged.

Out came a stumbling July. "Heeeeeeeeyyy!!!!" He greeted, using the wall as support. "What're YOOOUUU doing leaving your quarters this late?" His words were blurry, much like I'm assuming his eyesight was.

"Are you drunk?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

"NoOoOo," He laughed, fumbling over his keys. His right arm was still supporting himself on the wall. "I am simply a silly goose."

"Right." I said, watching him as he unlocked his door after several failed attempts. "Well hopefully the goose won't be too silly and will put Tylenol on your nightstand for you tomorrow."

"A SILLY goose is SILLY," July's face deadpanned. "NOT responsible."

With that, I didn't bother replying and stepped into the elevator. July was in his drunken world and I didn't have the time - nor energy - to address it. If I couldn't fix this problem, he and I would be sent back to the United States without question. Japan would be left defenseless.. and we would be forced to go back to America's tyrannical oversight.

I couldn't lie to myself. While some of Japan's methods were irritating and questionable at best, the freedom that we were able to have here was worth it. This was the first time in 20 years I did not have America breathing down my neck 24/7, regulating everything that I did.

For fucks sake, I was going to the library at 1am because I wanted to. Back home, I'd be locked in my cell without leave until another assignment showed. There was nothing for me to do aside from train and fight. It was as if I was the family dog of America.

The bell on the elevator sounded, indicating that I had reached the ground floor. I padded my way over to the kitchen, using the coffee maker to brew myself a cup. I knew it was going to be a long night and coffee was essential. I poured the finished brew into a travel mug before making my way to campus.

It was a five minute walk to the campus, which was relatively easy. Given that it was summer time, the weather was still comfortable despite the late night hours. I scanned my UA badge when I arrived on campus, making a direct pathway toward the library.

The library was pitch black when I arrived, causing me to turn on the big lights. I powered up the main computer so that I could begin my search. I was just typing in "Japanese Hero Ethics" in the search bar when the door burst open.

Standing there, was Eraser Head himself, deep in his fighting stance. His shocked expression indicated that he was not prepared to see me. "Stand Still?"

"Um, yeah?" I responded, my voice laced with an attitude due to him pointing out the obvious.

"What are you doing here?" His tone was full of irritation.

"Trying to study for my supplemental exam?" My statement came out as more of a question than an answer. Why did he burst in here as if I was committing a crime?

His stance relaxed, but the irritation remained the same on his face. "You triggered the alarms with your entrance."

Realization passed through me. Aizawa must be on watch duty tonight. "I used my badge to get in." I defended myself. "Did you not check the cameras?"

His gaze darkened. "I was on the other side of the campus." He seethed. "The notification system only pinged me that someone had entered."

"I'm sorry." I said, standing from the computer. "I thought because I had the badge, it would register appropriately and you could check the cameras." I walked toward him. His eyes still held the same anger. "Now I know. I'll leave."

I brushed past him, trying to ignore the look in his eyes. More than anything, I was focused on how I was going to get the information I needed to pass the supplemental course. Maybe I could try the public library if....

"Wait." Aizawa grabbed my wrist lightly. I spun around, awaiting what he had to say. Completely ignoring the feeling of butterflies rising in my stomach with his hand on my wrist. "I have a book you can borrow. I used it to pass my own ethics course."

I didn't know how to act with him still touching me. "Really?" I asked, still trying to find my breath.

"Come with me."


Several minutes later, Aizawa was leading me into his quarters. His quarters were just down the hall from July and I's. As I walked through the threshold, I immediately realized how tidy it was. It appeared as if no one had lived here at all. There were no personalized touches, no picture frames, no keepsakes...Simple, sleek, modern. I could mistake it for a staged room for people who tour the campus if I didn't know any better.

"I'm not here much," He began, seemingly reading my thoughts. "I also don't sleep much."

I chuckled. "Well we are both awake at the same time in the middle of the night."

He nodded. "The consequences of being a hero, I suppose." He bent down in front of one of his bookshelves. I tried desperately to not watch his every move. But, he. was. just. so. pretty. The way his muscles flexed in his black jumpsuit was enough to make my eyes linger just a tad too long.

Aizawa selected the book he was looking for, pulling it off of the bookshelf with ease. He made his way over to me, his large hands holding it out to me. As I grabbed it, our fingertips brushed. It took everything I had to not jerk my hand back, feeling the warmth of his hand briefly against mine. His fingers were softer than I anticipated. I fought to control the effect he had on me, but my face betrayed me as it felt it begin to heat.

He maintained eye contact with me, his gaze steady and unrelenting. I couldn't distinguish the look in his eyes, but it was commanding, nonetheless. An involuntary shiver made its way up my spine and I shifted my weight so that he wouldn't catch it.

I swallowed the air in my throat and tried to regulate my breathing. "Thank you." 

"Don't mention it." He said carelessly.

I hesitated. I almost wanted to call him out on his bullshit. Remind him that a few days ago, he was insulting me and insinuating that I was a type of hero - of person - that he hated. Yet, now, here he was... offering study materials for me so that I could pass and stay in Japan longer.

I decided against it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, right? I didn't have time to overanalyze Aizawa's hot and cold behavior. I needed to study.  Instead, I hugged the book to my chest and made my way back to my quarters.

But, I did have time to notice how his gaze followed me the entire way until I shut my door.

The Burden of Time [Aizawa x OC]Where stories live. Discover now