- twenty seven -

14 2 0

-Stand Still's POV-

Yu ruinef my chanes of winig this bert.

I send the text, my phone swaying in my hands. Or maybe it was my vision. I wasn't sure. At this point, I was lucky I was still in an upright position. July had won. Aizawa had, in fact, texted me. It was a simple text, an innocent one, saying: If you want to talk, I'm here.

Three shots later, as agreed upon, were the first sips of alcohol I had ever taken in my life. I kind of liked this feeling. My constant state of anxiety was calmed, and the thoughts of earlier today were long gone. I could barely focus on anything, and nothing seemed important anymore. Why hadn't I drank sooner?

I look down as my phone chimes again, squinting in an attempt to see what Aizawa had replied.

Where are you?

Scoffing at the message, I sloppily toss the phone onto the bar, sliding it towards July. He catches it as he takes yet another shot. I lost his count after my own 2nd shot, but he had to have been somewhere near 6. He seems to read it more easily than I could, not needing to squint. I roll my eyes at this. Must he be better than me at everything?

A triumphant smirk plays on his lips, as he hands me the phone back. "Well, are you going to tell him, princess?"

I frown at his continued nickname for me. It had always been meant as an insult, and I thought we were at least somewhat friends now... or even tolerable colleagues. The alcohol must be making my feelings stronger and filter thinner, because I can't seem to stop myself from speaking. "Must you still call me that?" I groan, the room floating around me as I clutch onto the chair to keep myself from moving with it. Why was the chair moving?

July shrugs, and I glare at him through unfocused eyes. "You still have the crown on your head, princess. Whether we like it or not." He says in a casual way, opening the TouchTunes app on his phone. He looks as though he has not a care in the world, either, as he scrolls through the available songs. But he doesn't care in a different way than I.

I was struggling to keep my composure with the effects of the alcohol. But he appeared to lean into it, to welcome the effects and go with the way the room floated around him. I was fighting an upstream battle while he was drifting casually down the stream. I take a deep breath, deciding to let go of the chair and attempt to embrace the slow motion reality that was happening before me. I could learn a few pointers from him.

Purposefully, I hold my breath as July holds the drink he just received from the bartender. The world stops around me, and I giggle. Even though everything and everyone is frozen around me, I'm still swaying. I reach forward with both of my hands, peeling July's time-frozen fingers from his drink, and taking it into my own hands. It's only when I bring the drink to my lips do I breathe again.

As the world resumes around me, July stares at his newly empty hand in surprise, before looking over to me. I take a sip from his drink, smirking, even as the harsh liquid reaches my tongue. I fight to not wince. "If I am a princess, I should use my power and privilege to my advantage."

His mouth falls open, before his eyes light up with a mischievous glint. "How did I not think of that before?" He says, smacking his forehead in disbelief, or irritation at himself. I wasn't sure. "We could've had free drinks all night!" He stands up, although a bit clumsily, and holds onto the back of the bar stool for support. "Do it again, I want the top shelf liquor."

Another giggle escapes me, shaking my head. Shaking my head was a bad idea, though, given my state, and I almost stumble off of my chair, when firm hands grip my shoulder and stop my fall. I gasp, a delayed response, before looking up at who had been my savior.

The Burden of Time [Aizawa x OC]Where stories live. Discover now