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On the first day of school we greeted Manuel next to the brand new trash can and he introduced the two friends he had with him. "Damian, this is Elijah and this is Zach." The guy on his left, Elijah has brown skin and short hair, the guy on his right, Zach, is white and has blonde hair. All three of them were pretty tall and handsome, for humans of course. I'm guessing they're pretty popular around here, great. "Eli, Zach, this is Damian. We met yesterday and he's new so be nice. Oh yeah and this is his friend who's name I kind of forgot ""Benjamin."my Beta grinned at them.

We walk to the theatre together and once I enter the room I smell something, vanilla I think, it reminds me of the cake my mom used to make for me so I stop walking to inhale it. My eyes land on a girl, I can only see her back but I know the smell comes from her. It was a blond haired girl, she wasn't very tall and was wearing a girly outfit. It can't be her, no, she's a human... "Mate, mate!'' Blair said excitedly. That girl was my mate.

Still with my eyes on her I sink back in the chair and regret all my life decisions until the girl turns her head to look me right in the eyes.

Wait, is she a werewolf too? How did she know I was watching her? Did she sense her mate, is that something humans are capable of? I don't know and I give up trying to sort out my thoughts. Blair keeps rambling on in my head and I vaguely hear Benjamin talking to me but I don't process any of it. In this moment all there was was me and my mate. I never wanted a mate, I never wanted that weakness, I know myself I easely obsess over shit and I get addicted to stuff really easily. I don't smoke or drink for nothing, I know I won't be able to stop.

But right now everything I ever thought, every bit of denial disappears and I never thought I'd say such a cheesy line but I drowned in her eyes. Suddenly the word eye felt not enough to describe hers, I wanted to see every ounce of it, from the olive green of her irises to the pitch black of her pupils. My eyes followed the lines of her elegant nose all the way to her heart-shaped mouth, the sight of it made something twitch between my legs. I continued to observe the golden locks of hair that accentuated her face's shape. They seemed to be glowing, even more bright than before. I wanted to take my eyes off of her but I couldn't. It was like they were stuck, someone glued them on her. Which might be good because if they somehow drifted down to the rest of her body it would've gotten me in an uncomfortable position.

I was so mesmerised by her beauty I just mumbled the word "Mate." My unusually soft voice interrupted Benjamin's rambling. He followed my gaze to see the girl and then looked back at me, and said something like "Shit." I didn't care what he said. "I want to speak to her.", Blair said in my head. Right when I wanted to get up and just walk over to her, her friend spoke to her, she looked away and blushed at what the girl had said. I sunk back in my chair studying how a flawless red colour spread over her cute cheeks. It made her even prettier. I was happy she wasn't looking anymore because a wide grin appeared on my face and I couldn't get rid of it.

Suddenly a pair of fingers snapped in front of my face. I gasped a little and looked up. "Bro, Damian this is not okay, you were gone. I've been trying to talk to you but you didn't even hear me.", he whispered. "Gone.", I muttered. My mate had turned her back to us again and the explanation had started. It was quiet in the room and everyone seemed pretty interested in the boring explanation, then I realised the headmaster had already moved on to the topic of field trips. "Wait, how long have we been sitting here?"I asked in disbelief. "Like fifteen minutes ago, man. Are you okay?" "Yeah, I guess so." I replied. "Let's just talk about it when we get home okay. By the way, there is drool on your cheek." he said. Embarrassed, I immediately started wiping the area around my mouth.

"Just joking.", he chuckled amused. "Ha. Ha. Funny." We went back to paying attention, I mean he went back to listening, I went back to watching my mate. I couldn't admire her face anymore sadly but I could see her shoulders raising and lowering with every breath.

I don't know how much time passed but the explanation finally ended and before I knew it we were outside and school was over. I spent the day hanging out with Benjamin while Manuel introduced me to all of his friends, which was basically the entire school. We walked outside together, I knew he drove together with Elijah, Zach and his little sister so I supposed they were waiting for her. I stayed for a while until Benjamin bumped me and used the most irritating voice I've ever heard to say: "Damiaaan, I wanna go hooome." So we told everyone goodbye and headed to the apartment. Right before we crossed the road I looked back to them, Manuel's sister, Elle had arrived. And as I held my hand up to get the sun out of my eyes and realised that girl was my mate. There, standing on the exact spot where I had stood a few seconds ago.

Blair almost made me run back to snatch her by her waist and kidnap her but I could resist the urge. Ugh, why was my mate so damn beautiful. Maybe that was a good thing, it would make it more understandable for the people why our moon goddess connected us. Elle, even her name sounded like a symphony to my ears, turned around and we locked eyes again. There I was standing in the middle of the road, staring at her again. And right before a car almost killed me Benjamin grabbed my arm pulling me away.

Benjamin brought me home and started lecturing me about how I have to resist it, and how it's crazy that my Alpha werewolf senses just completely left my body when I looked at her.

And surprisingly I was able to pay attention to his rant, meaning I was at least safe from the hypnosing when she wasn't here.

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