The truth of a liar's lie

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Here they were, the final six students. They were a few seconds away from the seventh class trial. Would this one even be possible to solve? It's not exactly like they fully solved the last case and anything involving Aozora is near unpredictable

Moneko: I believe it is time for you all to take your places wouldn't you agree?

It didn't take long for them all to take their places, since they have done it so many times before it wasn't hard to know. The two changes was a blank space where Kaizo was between Masa and Hana and Aozora's portrait was between the portraits of Emalga and Yui

Moneko: my what a low number

Masa: huh? Why doesn't Kaizo have a portrait? He isn't here right

Moneko: well as you all know, Kaizo left the game however he isn't dead. The portraits are for dead participants so I didn't put one for him

Noriaki: guess that makes sense

Moneko: now I shall once more explain the rules of this trial

Noa: not that we need it

Moneko: During a class trial you will all say your arguments for who you believe the killer is, once I am satisfied you believe you know who the blackened is we will go to the voting phase, if the majority of you vote the correct blackened then they alone will receive punishment if however a majority vote isn't given to the blackened the spotless will be punished and the blackened will escape

Hiroshi: what even is the group's punishment? I mean technically last time the blackened wasn't found

Moneko: I'm glad you asked Hiroshi, the punishment is a lack of access to the next floor. However since you were all partly right I decided to let a new room be opened

Kani: that seems counterintuitive however it isn't important now

Hana: right, let's try and figure out this case

Masa: this might be hard. Kaizo and Aozora both really helped out in class trials. This one might be too much

Hiroshi: come on bud, they've clutched things up before but we've never had to rely on them

Noriaki: right, think we can trust this lot to figure this case out

Noa: honestly, it shouldn't be too much effort, after all we've been together all day

Kani: that is a good alibi

Noa: I think our killer is clearly our victim

Noriaki: Noa thinks Aozora killed himself but is that really the case

Non stop debate start

Noa: if all of us were together

Noa: then no one here killed Aozora

Hana: I suppose with that in mind, it makes sense

Kani: but is that really the case?

Noa: naturally, at the time of the murder we were together

Masa: we also all saw the body together

Kani: I'll admit that no one had a chance to separate today

Kani: but couldn't he have been killed by a trap?

Hiroshi: with that guy's luck I don't think a trap would kill him

Noriaki: hmm there's definitely a wrong conclusion

Noa: if all of us were together

Noa: then no one here killed Aozora

Hana: I suppose with that in mind, it makes sense

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