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--Tony's Pov--

Nat and the wonder twins are acting weird. They keep leaving the tower in the morning and coming back at lunch. The whole team has noticed but no one has followed them? Crazy. But today they need to miss whatever they are going to because we have a meeting today with Fury.

  It's crazy right? I am going to a meeting?! It's not my choice Stephen is forcing me to go. Or he will take my coffee. But on the plus side I get to see if the wonder team shows up.

--with Peter. No longer Tony's pov.--

Natasha won't be here. This sucks now I have no reason to go out.

--3rd person pov--

Peter sits up because he hears someone walking around. As he stands up he sees the person walk in. It's Dr Harriet? Why is he home early? Peter thought.

"Peter Peter Peter. How could you betray me?" Dr Harriet said. "What do you mean?" Peter says worried. Dr Harriet came over and smacked Peter.
"I TOLD YOU NEVER LET ANYONE SEE YOU!" He picked up a knife and slashed Peter's face.

"I didn't!" Peter cried. That made Dr Harriet even more mad. "YOU LYING BITCH." He grabs Peter by the hair and drags him into a room with a chair and restraints. He puts Peter in it. "This will teach you never to lie." Peter sobs as Dr harriet starts to cut at his skin.

When Dr.Harriet was all done Peter was all bruised and bloody. He walks over to Peter barely conisous to and takes the restraints off. "I did this for you peter. I never mean to hurt you. You just don't know how to listen." Dr. Harriet leaves Peter on the chair as he slips into unconsciousness.

Peter woke up the next day. It was 7 am. He realizes all his wounds but all he could do is use his magic to stop the bleeding. He stands up and walks to the window and  jumped out. He ran to their meeting spot. He saw them there and ran up and hugged wanda crying. Peter noticed Natasha wasn't there. He was confused but brushed it off.

"Oh my Peter what happened to you?! Was it your friend?!" Wanda say worried. Peter shakes his head yes. "Come Pietro his is going to the tower." Wanda says picking him up. "We can't bring him there!" He says as he stops his sister from walking. "Why not?! He is bleeding out!" She yells at him. Pietro seems worried "Okay let's go" they start walking to the helicopter. Peter is confused but he trusts them.

--Natashas pov--

Fury has me stuck in this meeting but the twins are with Pete. So we should be okay. He keeps talking about the escaped scientist and how we need to locate him and the other person. Good thing I know where they are.

"Welcome back Sonic and Little red."

I hear FRIDAY say that. I stand up confused. There aren't supposed to be back so soon. I told them I'll meet up with them after the meeting. Something isn't right. I snap out my thoughts as I hear someone say.

"Whats wrong Nat?" Steve asks. "Nothing." She walks out. "Nat the meeting!" Steve yells but shes already in the elevator.

"FRIDAY take me to where The twins are." I Stand worried."Right away scary lady" I roll my eyes at the name.

  The doors open up in the medbay room and I see the twins and Peter. I rush over to him.

"Oh my God! Peter what happened?!" I ask him now 3000% worried. "Dr Harriet happened." Pietro says."We have already called for Bruce." I sigh as I hear the doors open.

"Alright whos injured?- who's that?" Bruce says."This is Peter. Tonys and Stephens kidnapped son." I say to him."Woah, you found him?" I nod my head. "Well she found him a month ago we just never told or brought him here" Wanda says. "What why? Tony would've been ecstatic" Bruce says. "It wasn't the right time" I look at Peter who is playing with a toy. "What do you mean not the right time?" Bruce walks over to Peter with some cleaning supplies for his wounds.

"He was kidnapped by HYDRA Bruce. It was a shock to all three of us." Bruce stops cleaning and looks up at the smiling child. "Woah again. So he must know where that scientist is, we have to bring him to Fury!" Bruce keeps working."No!" All three of us say. "Why not?" Bruce asks. "Do you not listen? If we bring him to Fury who knows what Fury would do!" Pietro says.
"It's Fury, Bruce we can't have him locked up again" Wanda says. "I won't tell anyone but you all need to get that scientist." He smiles to them. "We will." I say as I walk over and sit with Peter who seems sleepy. Bruce walks over to his supplies. "He needs more rest. I need to get back to the meeting see yall at dinner" Bruce says walking to the elevator.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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