𝘃𝗼𝗹 ②: 𝖈𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝖙𝘄𝗼

417 17 119

«Christian Woman», Type O Negative
7:19 ───ㅇ───── 8:58

July 15th, 2000.

𝕿he entwined duo of Tiffany and Autumn elevated their gazes from the concrete terrain beneath them, casting a discerning look upon their surroundings with a skewed perspective. Autumn, rising with a groan that resonated with the weariness of the journey, found himself subject to yet another swift kick from Tiffany, this one connecting unceremoniously with his thigh.

"Ow, bitch," he vocalized his discomfort, his voice carrying a blend of irritation and jest. In swift retaliation, he delivered a flick to her forehead, a gesture executed with the precision of thumb and forefinger.

"Motherfucker," Tiffany groaned, her hand instinctively reaching to soothe the impact on her head as she ascended gracefully from the pavement. Simultaneously, the rest of the bandmates emerged from the tour bus, as if drawn by the gravitational pull of the unfolding spectacle.

Finnley, the epitome of civility amidst the burgeoning chaos, initiated an exchange of pleasantries with an individual whose neck girth bordered on the extraordinary. This prompted contemplation within Tiffany, as she pondered the intricacies of his mastication methods, a mental meandering that led her to envision the act akin to that of a serpent, a notion both whimsical and absurd.

"I'm Finn. This is—unfortunately—Autumn and his sister, Tiffany," Finn elucidated, introducing the two siblings with a tone that carried a tinge of regret. Seizing the opportune moment as Autumn regained his equilibrium, Griffin, clad in a cloak of sibling authority, compelled him to bear the weight of her standing presence.

Corey, a figure hitherto known as Neck, emitted a snort of amusement, punctuating the formality of their introduction with a handshake extended towards Finn. "Corey."

Finn, ever the usher of camaraderie, directed attention towards Atticus, a contemplative brunette leaning nonchalantly against the bus, an earbud tenaciously clinging to his auditory senses amidst the ongoing theatrics. Atticus, acknowledging the presence of Corey with a crooked smile and a salute, seamlessly resumed his focus on the unfolding sibling rivalry.

Finn's panoramic commentary continued, gesturing towards Vinnie, engrossed in the intricacies of handling gear, while Sutton, a veritable orator, accompanied him with an animated monologue concerning her latest fixation. A moment of hesitation preceded Finn's identification of Sutton, followed by a sigh that bespoke of an acknowledgement of the inevitable.

"And the chick next to him?"

"Sutton," Finn clarified, a raspy clearing of his throat accompanied by an air of resignation. In the wake of this revelation, Finn found himself ensnared momentarily in a web of perplexity, prompting the inquiry that got abruptly truncated by the unexpected cascade of cold liquid upon Finn's hair, a gesture executed by Chanel.

"What the fuck, Nel?" Finn exclaimed, his tone echoing annoyance as he endeavoured to dispel the untimely freshness from his hair.

"You were sweating," Chanel nonchalantly defended her actions, her eyelashes batting with feigned innocence. Finn, exhibiting a commendable exercise of restraint, suppressed the burgeoning urge to throttle her, contemplating the legal ramifications of such an act and the ensuing imprisonment.

"Yeah, that—that's Chanel," Finn conceded, his hands massaging his temples in a visible display of exasperation. His narrative continued, pointing towards Evan, rhythmically drumming on a tree trunk in the protective shade.

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