𝘃𝗼𝗹 ⑨: 𝖈𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝖓𝐢𝐧𝐞

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«Moon Baby», Godsmack
3:33 ───ㅇ───── 4:23

July 20th, 2000.

𝕿iffany's attention was abruptly redirected as a nudge on her shoulder drew her focus to Vinnie, her bandmate. In an almost theatrical manner, he thrust a poster featuring his face—complete with the distinctive face paint, dishevelled dirty blonde hair, and even a bloodied forehead from a particularly enthusiastic encounter with his keyboard—directly in front of her.

With a bemused expression, Tiffany scrunched her nose and assertively pushed the poster away, revealing a magazine held by an eager young fan awaiting her signature. She gracefully took the pen and began the task, leaving her distinctive mark on the page.

Vinnie, undeterred, persisted with his inquiry, his sharpie poised at the top of the poster, creating an unintentional blotched mess of ink. He once again thrust the poster into Tiffany's line of sight with a mischievous grin, prompting an unusual and unexpected question.

"Be honest," Vinnie mused, the sharpie still hovering over the paper. "Do I look like a lesbian?"

Tiffany's couldn't help but burst into laughter at Vinnie's unexpected question. She carefully set down the magazine, wiping away a tear that formed in the corner of her eye. "Vinnie, what on earth makes you think you look like a lesbian?" she asked, still chuckling.

Vinnie pouted, crossing his arms. "I don't know, man. Someone commented on our latest music video saying I give off big lesbian energy, and now I can't unsee it."

Tiffany shook her head, amused. "People say the weirdest things online. You can't take it too seriously. Besides, what does 'big lesbian energy' even mean?"

Vinnie shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I have no idea, but I want to know if our fans see it too. So, lesbian vibes or not?"

The cerulean haired girl examined the poster again, studying Vinnie's face. "Honestly, I think you just give off 'Vinnie' vibes. And that's all that matters, right?"

Vinnie grinned, giving her a playful shove. "Damn right! 'Vinnie vibes' should be a thing. Let's make it a thing."

The young girl, who had eagerly presented Vinnie with the poster, cleared her throat with a subtle but noticeable indication of her presence. Vinnie, momentarily distracted by his banter with Tiffany, turned to the girl with a sudden realization. Muttering a quick "oh, shit, right, sorry," he promptly seized the opportunity, scribbling his own signature on the page to fulfill the fan's request.

The fan beamed with excitement as Vinnie signed her poster, gratitude evident in her sparkling eyes. "Thank you so much, Vinnie! You guys are amazing, and this means the world to me!"

Vinnie flashed a charismatic smile. "No problem at all! Thanks for supporting us. You rock!"

As the young girl left, clutching her signed poster with sheer joy, Vinnie turned back to Tiffany with a grin. "See, I'm doing my part to make fans happy, one signature at a time."

Tiffany chuckled. "Well, you do have a way with your fans. Keep it up, and who knows, maybe you'll inadvertently become the icon of the 'queer aesthetic' without even trying."

Vinnie feigned shock. "Me, an icon? I'll take it!" They both shared a laugh as they continued their autograph session, making memories with each signature and every interaction with their dedicated fanbase.

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