6 gren

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I was starting my shift when my boss approached "gren I need you to take a rescue team, the police have requested us at this address for a human at a mok lab, its been abused. He handed me a slip with the direction I quickly gathered my team and our gear into a instacube that I put in my apron pocket. When we arrived we found a run down residence crawling with cops one of them motioned to us and led us to a yard where a smart fence surrounded a sandy area I wrinkled my nose at the odor of mok and fecal matter the corner of the fence was piled with dung. The cop pointed to an pile of ratty blankets in another corner "he is in there, he has hardly moved at all we deactivated the smart fence but I dont think he noticed." Walking towards the enclosure I replied "ok we'll take it from here"
We stepped into the enclosure and I approached the pile of blankets, I spotted a eye peering out, I knelt and clicked my tongue while patting the ground but he remained motionless.  I paused to take in the situation a noticed the pile of meat scrap that presumably was all he had to eat.
Motioning to my team members I linked "you two stay back but hold onto the gear" I passed them the instacube and approached the pile the human hid in I knelt there until his whimpering subsided leaning forward I peeled the blankets back off the malnourished human who bolted to the far side of the enclosure sighing I motioned to my team "hand me the spell stick" they complied extracting the spell stick and handing it to me the young lad was panicking know his chest was heaving and he was looking around for a escape.  Making it quick I lunged towards him and threw a sleep spell. My team member caught him as he toppled over, using the spell scanner she looks up at me "no records, probably a poached feral "
We quickly put him on a small liter and took him back to the facility.

abducted , a human pet storyWhere stories live. Discover now