13 Lucas

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I woke with a start to warm hands massaging my back whipping my head around I was relieved to find a human as the source of the massage. She backed off to let me sit up and smiled sheepishly "sorry about that you just looked like you have had it so rough I wanted to help, my name is jess!" I nodded curtly and looked around we were in a totally new environment we were in a room with plush carpet, and various cubbys with cushions, there was a waste receptacle and it was slightly cool but I noticed we were now dressed in warm fluffy coveralls, I didn't want to think about how that came to be.  I realized suddenly jess was staring expectantly "oh uh I'm Lucas, where are we?" She bounced excitedly "we've been adopted! Thus place is nice kinda like my last owner, except...   well, just wait until you meet our new owner he seems like a food sort," she paused noticing me stiffen in terror. A worried look crossed her face "are you ok? What's wrong?" Looking down I mumbled "I'm fine it's just my last place." Recognition dawned in her eyes and she quickly changed topic "have you eaten in a while? you look skinny" my stomach answered for me with a loud growl. She dragged me up, "come on follow me she ran over to a portal that was open and walked through. I hesitated, I had never crossed one on my own accord then I stepped through. On the other side I found myself in a sort of giant kitchen with counters, strange appliances, and multiple portals one was de activated. Jess was standing by a tray mounted un the wall next  to a water fountain in the tray was a course cereal like food she picked up a handful and ate a couple then held the rest out to me, "it's not gourmet but its decent, now eat you need it!" She demanded staring me down. Reluctantly I started eating this food had a rich warm buttery bread like flavor with earthy undertones when I had my fill I drank some water and looked around "uh what do we do around here?"  jess frowned, "not much,  it can be pretty boring, usually there is some balls we can toss around, and I saw a thing in our room that displays images like a tv without sound, it just shows random stuff, come on I'll show you."  We went back through the same portal and she went to a table thing and touched the top, a image appeared in mid air showing humans playing tag in a grassy field. We sat down and watched.

abducted , a human pet storyWhere stories live. Discover now