Late Night Struggles

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"Papa! Daddy!"

Dream stirred at the sound of his daughter's cries. He sat up, rubbing his eye socket.
"Kali?.. Are you alright starlight?" He called back. The patter of small feet sounded from the hall into the room.
Dream turned on his bedside lamp, dimly illuminating the dark room he shared with his husband. A small groan resonated from beside him.

The little gray skeleton crawled onto the edge of the bed frantically, golden tears flowing from her sockets.
"Hey, hey..." Dream said softly, pulling back his blanket and helping Kali into the bed. "What's wrong?"
The little girl quickly buried herself into Dream's chest, whimpering and squirming. "I-I had a bad dream-" She cried. Dream situated her onto his lap, comforting her.
"Mmh- what's happening..?"
Dream glanced over, his glitchy spouse waking up from all the ruckus.

"It's alright, Kali just had a nightmare is all," Dream said, stroking her skull as she sobbed. Error sat up, scooting over toward Dream to help calm their daughter.
"What did you dream about, dear?" He asked, resting his chin against Dream's shoulder.
"I-I saw the blue man... th-that uses your strings, Papa..." She sobbed, panting softly.
Error looked to Dream, sharing a glance with each other. They held her closer, comforting her.

"It's alright, he's not going to get you. I promise you're going to be just fine with us." Error said, gently rubbing her skull. She started to relax, sniffling softly.
Dream pushed back the concern in his mind. Kali was smart for her age and observant. The fact that she knew about... him, even from a dream... Was something.

Soon enough, she calmed down nearly completely. But still seemed a little uneasy.
"Dad... I'm not ready to go back to my bed." She whined. Dream looked down at her with a small smile.
"Well... how about you sleep with us tonight? What do you think, Erry?"
Error huffed but then chuckled. "Alright. She can stay the night."

They situated her in between them, making her smile as she cuddled between her dads. Dream pressed a kiss to her forehead as Error shifted into a comfortable position while holding her.
"We love you, little starlight." Dream cooed, before turning his lamp off and snuggling into the cuddle pile.

"Goodnight you two." Dream hummed softly.
"Night night..." Kali whispered, before curling up to fall asleep. Error gently pulled the both of them closer to him, in which Dream obliged. All three of them curling up and falling asleep.

The next morning, Dream woke up, quickly realizing he was semi-trapped. He blinked his eyes open. Somehow, during the night, they'd switched around positions. Dream was now in the middle of Error and Kali. He chuckled softly as they both snuggled into him. Error's arms were around his waist and Kali's hands gently gripped his chest. Hopefully, there will be more nights like this.

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