"Who Are You?" "A Hottie"

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Bad groans as he walks to his English class, he moves out the way, to not get shoved by people messing with their friends.

Bad places his backpack on the floor, checking the board. They have a seating chart, of course they do, it's the second day of school.

Bad grabs his backpack, only moving a seat of two away from his old one. Actually, he's all the way in the front. Gosh, does this teacher hate him or something? The teacher placed bad kids in the back!

Someone sits right next to him, laughing loudly with their friends. A popular kid sits right next to him. Why does this happen to him. A girl sits next to him, scoffing at him. He looks at her,"What rory. I didn't cheat on you."

"So your calling my friends liars? Not the first time.", she flips him off. Maybe the teacher should have thought this through. Bad definitely does not want to hear arguing everytime he goes to this class. The drama would be good.

"I never did that. Rory, just shut the fuck up.", woah. Bad didn't expect them to start cursing. Bad hears a group of boys start hyping him up. Weird.

"Your being mean to me!", she yells. Slamming her fist on the table. Making bad jump inside. Maybe physically because both ex's look at him. Uh oh.

"Are you listening to this!? Stop being so nosy!", she screams at bad. Bad opens his mouth to speak. The dude beats him to it.

"Shut up! Stop picking on him, he's literally at our table and waiting for the teacher.", how does this dude make good excuses so quick! Like what!


Bad walks inside the Spanish teachers classroom, which is his friends moms classroom. He's so glad she doesn't have a class during this time. He waits for quackity, who's probably busy talking to people.

Thankfully, quackitys mom doesn't talk to him only a simple hello and bye. Bad doesn't like talking to adults. Scares him.

"Mami!!!", quackity runs in the classroom. For a popular kid, quackity acts like a child with his mom. Most popular kids pretend they hate their mothers.

"Alex! Go eat with your friend, he was so sad without you.", she teases him for being late.

"Yea of course he was, who wouldn't be!", he gives himself to much confidence. Bad didn't miss him a single bit. Okay maybe a little bit.

But bads has no other friends, except online friends. Yes that sounds emo and sad, and it is emo and sad. It's horrible.

"So, how was your first four periods? Still horrible?", quackity laughs, knowing bad hates all his classes except math, because that's the only class bad and quackity have together.

"Yep, even worse though, I sit next to a couple that broke up and hate each other. The boy is loud but doesn't hate me, unlike his girlfriend who hates me for some reason."

"Oo! Do you any of their names?", quackity knows everyone, somehow. Its creepy.

"The girl's name is like rory?"

"Oh! Skeppy and rory! Her real names Aurora, she hates it though, apparently makes her seem like a soft princess.", he does air quotations, moking the girl.

"Skeppy? What kind of name is that?", bad tilts his head in confusion.

"Its zak Ahmed, his nickname is skeppy. And he hates when people call him his real name. Quackity is very scared of him.", quackitys mom answers for him. Maybe quackity is too scared to say skeppys real name.

"Mami! Shush,"

"Its just bad, you guys have known each other since eighth grade,"

"Bad was in eighth grade, I was in seventh, or sixth."

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