Chapter 2

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Genya PoV:

It's about 3:00 in the afternoon, maybe 30 minutes after school lets out? I'm not sure, I don't pay attention to the time. I've been to Muichiro's house a lot, but this time I'm.. nervous? It's weird, I've never really been nervous going to his house. But, once I'm inside, all the butterflies just come to my stomach. Something about Muichiro is just so calming. I talked to Mitsuri about it and she said with all of the things I feel about Muichiro means I have a crush on him. Usually what she says is true, that's how Giyuu and Nemi ended up in a relationship. I wonder if Muichiro has the same feelings I have for him. After I'm done thinking about how Muichiro would react if I confessed tonight, I realized I passed up his house. I immediately turn around and run back to his house. Gosh, I felt stupid in that moment but it couldn't be helped. I need to know how Muichiro would react if I confessed my feelings for him tonight. I don't want to ruin our friendship.

Once I get back to his house I knock on the door and.. Zenitsu answers. I wanted to be the first one there but with me walking past the house, I don't really think I could've been first. I say hi and walk in. I immediately see Muichiro laying on the floor staring at the ceiling. I walk over to him and crouch down. I then poke his face "Mui? You good?" His eyes dart towards me, his head not moving at all. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just bored. Yui is making pizza and Zenitsu has been calling Inosuke yelling at him to hurry up." He explained while slowly sitting up. "So.. um.. do you have any board games here? Or just games in general? I've never seen a game in this house before." I say, trying to say I'm bored too even though I just got there. "Umm.. I think I have some in my room." Mui says while slowly getting up and walking towards his room. I walk behind him, letting him take his time. "Hey Mui, you seem tired." I say, looking at his face. "Just a little bit, Zenitsu's yelling woke me up from a nap." He says as we hear the door slam open and Inosuke yelling.

"Inosuke's here" Muichiro said, yawning. I can tell he's really tired. "Hey, let's forget about the game and get you to your bed so you can take a nap." I say, not wanting him to overwork himself. Muichiro looks at me weirdly, "So you don't want a game?" He asks. "No, I want you to sleep. You're tired, don't overwork yourself." Muichiro starts quietly giggling "You sound like Yui" he says while looking at me and smiling. I blush a bit, I hope it's not noticeable.. that would be embarrassing. Once we get to Muichiro's really small room, he runs to his bed and jumps onto it. He immediately lays down and takes out his phone. I look at it because it's in eyesight and his phone was blown up by our group chat. He started to play some calm music and shoved his face in a pillow. "Mui, do you want me to turn the lights off?" "Mhm" he hummed in response. I heard some shifting from his bed, "Genya can you stay in here with me?" "H-huh??" I start to blush A LOT. I'm glad I turned the lights off when I did. "I just want you to sit next to the bed, I don't really like being lonely. If you want you can leave once you're sure I'm asleep. That's what Yui does." I get a confused look on my face, "Why would he leave? I mean he has to go to sleep too yeah, but why can't you two share a room?" I ask, curious to know why. "He has to get ready everything for the next morning for school or work." Mui says, slowly falling asleep. "Go to sleep Mui, I can hear it in your voice that you're tired." "Mhm.." He hums back, almost instantaneously falling asleep.

701 words😨 um.. yeah😍
I hope you like this so far I'm not good at writing😭😭😭

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