Chapter 4

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Istg my phone is making all of my "bolded" stuff SMALL AF so I won't write in bold this time. Let's get started;)

Muichiro PoV;
The two hours thankfully goes by quick and as I thought, everyone but me and Genya were asleep. "Hey, Genya?" I look at him. "Yeah?" He looks confused because it came out of nowhere. "Can I tell you something? In another room?" "Sure, but why not in here? Everyone's asleep." He says as I get up.

I start walking to my room, and he gets up and runs after me. I put my finger over my mouth telling him to be quiet. He clearly understands and walks quieter. "Because someone could wake up and hear us." I whisper.

We get to my room and we both sit on the bed. The light was off so I turned on my lamp on my nightstand. "So.. what did you want to tell me?" Genya asks. God this is harder than I thought.

I couldn't figure out how to say it and I didn't want him to wait so I just kissed him. I KISSED HIM. "I like you Genya" I say immediately regretting just kissing him.

Genya PoV;
It was taking him a while to answer so I started to get worried that he was nervous. I almost asked what was wrong then he kissed me. "I like you Genya" he said. OH. MY. GOD. He likes me back?? "I-I like you too Muichiro" I stutter.

Muichiro looks at me and starts giggling. I was so scared that he was joking but then he said "Why'd you sound like that??" He asked starting to laugh a little louder. "Sound like what?? MUI??"

I start getting a little embarrassed for what I did even though I didn't know. "YOU SOUNDED LIKE A LITTLE GIRL!" He finally said, laughing so hard he was crying. I for sure knew that SOMEONE would wake up. But he was cute when he laughed.

"S-so should we start dating now?? We have mutual feelings for each other and-" Muichiro cuts me off and kisses me again, this time a little longer. "Yes! Are you dumb Genya? We like each other why wouldn't we start dating?" Muichiro laughs.

I hear the door open and immediately turn my head. It was Yuichiro? "I heard everything that just happened." He said. I started to get nervous for some reason. Then he starts walking towards us and.. hugs both of us?

"Congratulations Mui" he looks at Muichiro and smiles. Then he looks at me with a serious look on his face. "You BETTER take care of my brother or I swear I will-" "He won't hurt me, Yui, and if he does it won't be anytime soon, trust me." Muichiro cuts him off. Yuichiro looks at him sternly, "Fine, but if he does hurt you don't say I didn't warn you." He says as he walks out.

"He's definitely gonna wake Tanjiro and Nezuko up and tell them." I say, embarrassed. "Maybe, maybe not. Also did Zenitsu ever come back?" "No while you were asleep earlier when we were watching movies he came back but Yuichiro made him leave again since he was gonna be loud and wake you and Nezuko up because she also fell asleep." I say.

Muichiro hugs me out of no where, "I'm sleepy Genyaaa" he bemoaned. I pat his head and say "But you've been sleeping all day Mui" I laugh. "I know but I'm still tired!" He pouts. "Fine, fine, lay down I'll get the bed ready for you." I say getting up. "But I wanna lay with you this time!" I start blushing really hard because of that statement.

He laughs because of me blushing. I get the bed ready and lay down next to him. He rolls over and turns the lamp off then rolls back to face me. "Goodnight Genya.." he yawns. Wow he got tired quick. "Goodnight Mui" "I love you" he says right before he passes out. "I love you too" I sigh, then go to bed as well.

685 words🙏🙏 AHHHHDJWHIDJSJD next chapter is the last one sorry the story is so short but I'm ready to make some KanaNezu oneshots and maybe an ObaMitsu story but shh you didn't hear that 🤫🤫🤫

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