Chapter 3

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So um Muichiro0san   said I should make my paragraphs shorter so they're easier to read so yeah imma TRY to do that😀👍🏻 Also this fluff so leave if you don't like that ig😍

Genya PoV:
Muichiro ended up taking about a 30 minute nap, which was good because I was about to fall asleep myself. Once he woke up it took him a minute to actually sit up. He rubbed his eyes then looked around the room to make sure I was still there.

"Oh hey Genya" he said, yawning. "You sleep good?" I questioned. "Mhm" he hummed back. He slowly got up out of his bed, and walked towards the door. "Thanks for staying in here with me the whole time, I think everyone should be here by now, too." He opened the door and left the room after saying that.

I could've told him how I felt right then and there but I don't think it would've been the right time. I walk after Muichiro to the living room and everyone greets us.

"There should still be a few pieces of pizza on the table if you want some, if there isn't blame it on Inosuke." Yuichiro said. I looked on the table to check and there was only one piece left. "You can have it," Mui said as soon as he saw me look. "I'm not hungry, I can find something later."

"If you say so, Mui." I say while grabbing the piece. It was really good, I kinda wished there was still another piece. Not for me, though. Muichiro did look hungry, but he said he wasn't. I don't wanna make him annoyed, though, so I'll just say he wasn't hungry.

Muichiro PoV:
Me and Genya both join everyone on the floor of the living room. I'm still a little tired so I lean on Genya. I felt him jump, but he was okay with it. I could tell because he immediately went back to his conversation he was having.

Everyone started talking about random things at some point. The day is going by slow and it's annoying. Inosuke left which, thankfully, made it quieter. But Zenitsu was still annoying. I heard Yui say that if he didn't shut up he would have to leave because it's annoying.

"WHY SHOULD I LEAVE?? I DON'T WANNA LEAVE MY DARLING NEZUKO ALONE HERE." Zenitsu yelled. Genya immediately chimed in, "She won't be alone. Her brother, me, Yuichiro, and Mui are here with her." "OH YOU'RE SO STUPID. I DON'T WANNA LEAVE HER ALONE WITH A BUNCH OF BOYS!!" Zenitsu yelled. "But.. you're a boy too Zenitsu." Tanjiro giggled. Zenitsu turned red in embarrassment, right before storming out. "I'LL COME BACK FOR NEZUKO DON'T WORRY!!" He said, slamming the front door shut.

"Finally the headache is gone." I said, relieved. "Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Nezuko said, embarrassed from what just happened. We all said yes and started looking for movies to watch. Nezuko wanted to pick since it was her idea.

We ended up watching A Cinderella Story because it's her favorite movie. I guess I fell asleep during the movie because by the time I woke up we were on a whole different movie.

After I woke up I start to think about telling Genya how I feel tonight when everyone else is asleep. If I do that it's gonna have to wait maybe 2 more hours. Let's hope those 2 hours go by quick.

547 words:) Sorry if the story is going by slowly I don't write a lot. Also Inosuke left because he thought this was boring. Also Kanao couldn't make it because she had to help Shinobu. Sorry those didn't make it in the story😋😋

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