Bonus Chapter✨

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Yeah this is what Genya and Muichiro do on Sunday (the day after the sleepover) so yeah also I hope you liked this book because I liked writing it!!<3

Genya PoV;

Nemi and Giyuu drop me and Mui off at the mall for us to shop and stuff. We have about 3 or 4 hours to get stuff and we have $200 in total, so we could get a bunch of stuff. Let's see what we buy!

Mui says he wants to go to a shoe store first because he wants knew shoes, his current ones are really old so I don't blame him. He's had those since grade four and we're in high school.

Once we get him some shoes, he wants to get some hair ties because  his hair always gets in his way but he doesn't want to cut it. So I let him pick the store and he picked CLAIRE'S. I didn't know what to say so I just followed him in, he got some hair ties, we bought them, and left.

You should know Mui by now, he doesn't like doing anything extra so he's making me hold everything, when it's not even that much to hold. But oh well, I'll suck it up if it's Mui.

(Time skip brought to you by me not having literally any more motivation to detail this🙏)

By the time we got home, we had gone to SO many stores, I can't even remember one. Turns out Mui likes to shop, I'll definitely take note of that.

About 30 minutes later after hanging out with Mui I say "Hey, I should get going now," I say, patting his head. "Whyy??" Mui whines. "Because Nemi said I had to be home before it's dark, and it'll get dark soon. But don't worry! We'll see each other tomorrow at school!!" I say trying to go home so I don't worry Nemi.

"Fine. But, you have to promise me you'll be at school tomorrow!" Mui sighed. "I promise, Mui" I say while getting up and ready to leave.


We're leaving it at that for now. Genya goes home, they see each other at school. Blah blah blah you get it. Anyways my story's number one for #genmui right now!! As of March 8, 2023 of course. ALSO sorry this hasn't come out sooner I've been stressed about school and extracurriculars sorry:(( But I get to see my girlfriend in two weeks!<33 (Porpol_Waffles)

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