Chapter 5

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Last part!! Sorry if this is short but I personally prefer faster pace stories because I can finish them and do something else really quickly! My stories might be short so keep that in mind!! On to the story🤩🤩

Genya PoV;
I wake up and remember what happened last night. I blush as I look down to see Muichiro clinging onto me like he might die. I try to wake him gently so he isn't scared when he wakes up.

"Mui it's time to wake up!" I say as I shake him gently. He flutters his eyes open and looks up at me "Good morning Genya.." he yawns. He lets go of me and sits up while rubbing his eyes. Ahh he's so cute!! He shakes me sleepily "Genyaaa.. are you deaddd?" He says while dragging his words out.

"Don't worry I'm alive, Mui." I say while sitting up. He hugs me as soon as I sit up. "Okay Mui get up so we can go to the others" "No!!" He pouts. I sigh as I knew he wouldn't let go. I sit up, him still clinging onto me and I stand up. I move him to my back as he lays his head on my shoulder.

"Hold on tight, Mui" I say while holding his legs that are wrapped around my waist. I walk out of the room, into the living room and Tanjiro runs up to me and Mui saying "YOU'RE DATING NOW?? OH MY GOSHH!!!" While jumping up and down. Nezuko comes up calmly and hugs me "Congratulations Genya and Muichiro!" "Thank you, Nezuko!" I say happily. "Mhm okay.." Mui says obviously still tired.

Yuichiro gives Tanjiro and Nezuko their stuff. "It's about time for you two to go home." Tanjiro looks at the clock "Ah I guess it is!! Bye guys! See you at school on Monday!" Tanjiro says running out to go home. Nezuko waves all of us goodbye and follows him out.

"Yuii..?" Muichiro pauses to yawn "Can Genya stay another nightt.?" He says while squeezing me. "Well that's up to him Mui." Yuichiro says and looks at me. "Genyaa?" "Sorry Mui, Nemi is gonna worry if I'm not back today. But I can visit your house tomorrow!" I say as I bring him to the couch and set him down there.

"But that's too long Genya!! I don't wanna wait that long!! I wanna stay with your forever!!" Mui whines. "Don't worry I'll take care of him, Genya. You get your stuff and go home." Yui tells me. "I HEARD THAT YUI!!" Muichiro yells.

I start getting my stuff ready and by the time I'm ready, Muichiro's trying to get Yuichiro to feel guilty. "Mui, I have to go home!! I promise I'll try to come tomorrow!" I say as I kiss him on the forehead. "Trust me I don't wanna leave either but I have to deal with it." I say, hugging him.

Mui hugs back tightly "Okay.. but try your best to come tomorrow!" He whined. "I'll try my best!" I say walking out. "Bye guys!!" "Bye!" They say in unison. I walk out the door and start walking home, god I wish I could be with Mui all day.

Once I get home I open the door. I live alone with Nemi because his house is closer to the school we go to. "Oi what took you so long to come home??" Nemi yells. "I had to get all my stuff and Mui was making it hard for me to leave." I say waving to Giyuu who's also there for the weekend.

I go to my room and change my clothes since I didn't get a chance to at Mui's. Once I'm done changing I lay on my bed and go on my phone.

There was nothing to do on there so I just lay there. Waiting for the day to be over so I could go back to Muichiro's house. Today better be the quickest day ever for me.

670 words! Hello!!! Thank you for reading my first book if you even read it! If you want I could do an afterword for what they do on Sunday if you want! Also for this to make sense, the sleepover is on Friday night, the current day is Saturday, and Mui and Genya are waiting for Sunday! Also please say you want an afterword, i wanna do one but I'll only do it if it's interesting for you! Bye, have a nice day/night!

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