Chapter Six: Alliance

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Again with the odd dreams, only made stranger ever since the meal with Antony. The Antony in his dream teases him much like before, eyes still glowing red and a smile almost always on his lips.
"Gaius," the dream Antony sighs, looking down as the youth is cornered yet again. "Why do you keep running from me?"

Back against another brick wall, Octavius dares to look up at his loving tormentor. "I..." the words cling to his throat, threatening to choke him. "You cannot run forever," dream Antony reminds him with a kiss to the forehead. Octavius swears he can almost feel the warm breath on his skin.
Like the last dream, Octavius wakes up covered in sweat and feeling so flustered to the point of being dizzy. "I don't want to keep running from you," he sighs, finishing the sentence that choked him in his dream.
He splashes water on his face from the large bowl he always keeps in his room, then looks at himself in the golden circular mirror.

Like any other day, Rome is busy outside. Octavius, glad at being so skinny for once, easily slips past people in the streets, weaving through like a mouse. He has agreed to meet Antonius in the Senate after much discussion during their meal. Climbing up the cold marble steps, the coolness of the large room is a refreshing change from the heat outside.

Like the prior meeting with Cicero, the chamber is empty. Antonius still remains where he was seated during another meeting, drumming his calloused fingers impatiently on the marble seat in front of him. A slow smile spreads across his unshaven face when he spots the youth. "You've made it."

"Better to not keep you waiting," Octavius responds, hoping the lower light of the chamber hides the color on his cheeks just from Antonius' grin alone. Antonius' low laugh echoes slightly in the chamber. He stands from his seat, appearing amused as he walks down the steps to the main floor.

"Well, you wanted to meet me here. Here I am. What more do you need to discuss with me? You have the money, Caesar's name, and his army's loyalty. What more could you want? Rub it into me, perhaps?" he asks, head tilted.

'You,' Octavius thinks, daring not to say it out loud. 'You're the last missing piece I need.' "I need your support," is what the youth says instead, crossing his arms.
"My uncle—father's—killers are still hiding around the Mediterranean. You and I both know I cannot hunt them all down myself."
Antonius snorts, rolling his eyes. "Ready to play soldier and commander, then? All right. Why do you need me, eh?"

Octavius bites the inside of his cheek, heart hammering. "You were Caesar's best commander," he states, forcing his gaze to meet Antonius' once more. "You had undying loyalty to him. I need that same loyalty, Antonius," he almost pleads, but keeps his tone even.

He watches as the older man seems to hum to himself, clearly weighing the pros and cons. "And if I do not agree?" Octavius can tell Antonius is playing him at this point. The older man cannot keep a subtle smile from his lips. "Then we lose and possibly die," Octavius answers back seriously.
Antonius laughs at his answer, the sound startling the youth a little.

"Hm. Perhaps your uncle really did see something in you," Antonius murmurs. "Very well, then. You'll have my support in the meantime until every conspirator has their head on a spike. Deal?" he grins, hand extended. Octavius nods, reluctantly grabbing his hand.

The older man's hand is warm and calloused, large enough to cover Octavius' hand completely. "You have my word," the teenager replies, realizing this is the first time they've genuinely touched. Antonius chuckles, looking more amused at the youth suddenly playing military commander instead of taking him seriously.

Antonius lets go, then lowers his head slightly. "Is that all?"
"I'm sorry?" Octavius blinks.
"I could feel your heart beating fast in your hand. Is my alliance truly all you need, Gaius?" he asks with a teasing smile. "It is," he replies weakly, hating the pleading tone still in his voice.

"Then I believe this will be the start of a beautiful...friendship, we shall say," Antonius muses, clearly understanding Octavius' every reaction now. "So then, colleague, let's begin planning. Come to my villa in the city. Let me teach you a few lessons about loyalty and becoming a leader. You have much to learn."

With a laugh, Antonius passes him, walking off back to his villa in the city. Octavius is left alone in the chamber, knowing Antonius wants him to follow. Sending a prayer to Apollo, Octavius forces his sandaled feet forward. 

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